Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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Well, I live in England, so I think I'll join in. I'm very much stuck in American ways tho - coffee over tea, "mom" rather then "mum" and various other things.

I get rants from alot of people saying that now I live in England, I should talk English :S lol

*passes Ducky a bottle of Finlandia* Of course we do :p

Well, I live in Oxford, or The City of Dreaming Spires as it's been nicknamed :) A very old city, home to one of the most famous Universities in the world. Can be very drab here in winter, though is lovely in summer, especially when the sun shines on the stone of the college buildings, making them glow :)

Hi to all my fellow English posters!

*drinks her tea* Ah, good old Kenya tea bags from Sainsbury's :lol:
Oh we are PG pyramid bag girls in our house ;)

I lived in Sheffield for three years at uni and absolutely loved it, it is such a good city, not too big but plenty to do! The city centre has been renovated and looks great now and it is just a walk into the peak district, which is beautiful!

The university was a lot of fun and the Arts tower has really cool paternoster lifts that you have to get on and off as they move..a lot of fun for three years :rolleyes:

Definately better than Coventry ;)
I went to the Peak District when I was a kid on a school trip - don't remember much though. Just that we stayed in this place that was basically a guesthouse on a farm (does that make any sense? :confused: :lol:) . And there was lots of hills, fields and grass...and stuff :p Although I agree, very nice! :)

Going back to the stuff on soaps, I'm guessing everyone's heard that Pauline's leaving Eastenders after 21 years. Wow, wasn't expecting that.

Eastenders used to be good going back in the 90's, but a few years ago, it started going downhill, and I didn't really have the time to watch it anymore once I'd started Uni.

The only soap I watch now is Home & Away :p
wibble said:
*passes Ducky a bottle of Finlandia*
:eek: I saw that :eek: That's called bribing.. *tries to lure Ducky to Dutch thread with a Heineken* :p

Yeah, so nope, not English, been there a couple of times though.. I know Canterbury by heart now, it's sad really.
^ :lol:

Nah Jayne, I think you'll find it's the Finlandia that always wins :p I guess it's now just a matter of which thread can serve it the fastest :lol:

liz, you just reminded me of the PG Tips adverts with the chimps in them that used to come on TV :D What a pity we don't see those anymore :( they were so cool :D
liz, you just reminded me of the PG Tips adverts with the chimps in them that used to come on TV What a pity we don't see those anymore they were so cool
yeah and then the PG Tips boxes used to bring some cards with chimps on them(but that was years ago..I only remember cos we bought loads of boxes so I could have all the different cards!)

Here we usually have lots of different teas..my dad has PG Tips(he hardly ever has anything else) I drink Twinnings(earl grey/kenyan/assam and Lady Grey are heaven) and my mum drinks herbal tea.
My brother doesn't usually drink tea but when he does he drinks it with somebody else so he doesn't really care which one it is.
This shouldn't be called English thread :p makes us welsh feel outnumbered :p But heyy i'm from Wales :D and talking of tea, i'm drinking some now :D about my 8th today so far :D
yeah we saved enough tokens and i have a cuddley PG tips chimp called Kevin :lol:

As for tea, drink most brands but not cheap tea bags..that is a scandal!! I only drink regualr tea though not any herbal or fruit or strange flavours!!

My housemate is into that South African red bush tea!

Actually Jayne Canterbury is one place I have never been to although I have heard it's nice :cool:
I was just thinking should we make this "British thread" ? :p

What comes to England... I named it "Instant Coffee Hell" when I was there in last Sep. That it indeed is.
No...dont want it British cos Im not proud to be British. :p

Aaaaaaaaaaaand, you can get nice coffee if you look properly for it. :p
Oh who needs coffee when you have tea!

Don't drink the stuff (coffee) actually but you can get decent stuff if you look ;)

Oh who was looking for scones??
*pulls a fresh batch from the oven*
Help yourself :cool:
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