Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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All I have to say today is "Gah! Wind!"

And maybe to add that I'm glad we don't (normally) get hurricanes, considering the road/public transport chaos caused by some rather strong winds...

Hope everyone is now home safe and sound. It probably took a while... ;)
Yeah, I can't believe the storms we've got at the moment.

Hope no one on here has suffered damage to their house or had to go without power.

i tried to let the cat out at mid day yesterday and the poor thing just got blown back when i opened the door, he decided he didnt want to go out after all
^ :lol:
I discovered all my cats indoors and bored-looking. They made me hold open the front door for them just to check that the weather was the same outside in "frontworld", as opposed to "out-the-catflap-world". It was. They blamed me. ;)

The storms were a lot worse than I realised. Luckily no-one I know was injured or hurt. A colleague at work was without power for 3hrs and myself and others have damage to our gardens but all in all, we all feel very lucky. Hope everyone else is ok too.
^ Did you guys hear about the 2 year old boy who got killed by the storms yesterday? :( That was awful :(

I know the damage in my city is stil being repaired, like scaffolding being put back up and clearing bits of tree from the roads.

Urgh...this country is annoying me at the moment. All this Celebrity Big Brother crap, and now one of Tony Blair's most senior aides has been arrested over some scandal. What next I wonder? :rolleyes: :lol:
^ I've read about some deaths but not of the two-year-old - that really is awful (not that the others aren't). :(

And yes, I agree with you on the whole BB and this country thing - I couldn't believe that the headlines of the Metro (Manchester edition , at least) today were about Big Brother - not the storms. Madness.
Well, racism is a big issue today so why shouldnt it be alongside the devastating weather.
Please don't get me wrong - racism is a big issue. Racism is wrong.

Channel 4's exploitation of such a delicate subject in the name of ratings and profit making annoys me. It's the fact that the headlines were about Channel 4 standing to make 2 million from people voting tonight that annoyed me. That the Metro made it the headline just fuels the whole situation, in my opinion.

I hope I didn't offend you, or anyone, in any way. I'm not trying to belittle the issue of racism. The opposite. I just hate the whole cult of celebrity and reality TV and the whole influence it appears to have on this country these days. That the ignorant opinions of morons (Jade Goddy etc...) hold any sway, makes me despair.
^I think what csi_fan_uk's trying to get at is that one topic has been given priority over the other. I agree with Kazzy that racism is all to familiar nowadays, but it is rather strange that the media have decided to limelight BB and pay less heed to the gail-force winds which are pushing down trees and causing deaths which are quite literally happening on our doorstep (Seriously...this tree fell down and blocked one of the school entrances yesterday).
Thanks Pixu. That was what I was trying to say.

And welcome to the boards and this thread, btw! :D
I've only been to Reading once - 12 years ago to Reading festival. I don't think that really counts as having visited Reading though! ;) :lol:
Well, racism is a big issue today so why shouldnt it be alongside the devastating weather.

I feel it's just turned into a political thing. What bothers me is that MPs have got involved and spoken about it, when surely they have much more important issues to be talking about, like saving the NHS.

And I agree with csi_fan_uk about C4 making so much money from all the votes because of the racism debate in the house - annoyed me too when I read about it in the newspaper today.
Apparently C4 said they were going to give all the money made from the telephone votes tonight to charity.

I have never watched Big Brother and never will. I'm of the general opinion that British TV pretty much sucks. Apart from 'Vicar Of Dibley'.
Muzzy_Olorea said:
Apparently C4 said they were going to give all the money made from the telephone votes tonight to charity.
The Metro today said only a fifth was going to charity whilst C4 raked in the rest. I hope they have changed their position and are going to give it all. That would be good.

Muzzy_Olorea said:
I have never watched Big Brother and never will.
Me either. I just keep reading about it in the Metro. ;)

Muzzy_Olorea said:
I'm of the general opinion that British TV pretty much sucks. Apart from 'Vicar Of Dibley'.
I liked the Vicar of Dibley too. Currently, I love Doctor Who and Torchwood. But other than that... I cannot really think of anything else I watch that is British. I'm an addict for American sci-fi and crime dramas. :)
csi_fan_uk said:
Thanks Pixu. That was what I was trying to say.

And welcome to the boards and this thread, btw! :D
I've only been to Reading once - 12 years ago to Reading festival. I don't think that really counts as having visited Reading though! ;) :lol:
Thanks :) I've been on here for a while, but I'm a ghost, so I haven't commented in many threads!! I think going to the festival kinda counts as visiting Reading, especially if you fork out a small fortune to get some wellies in the town centre, only to dispose of them afterwards! (There are probably more wellies than people in Reading now) It's rather tragic that I haven't been to the festival despite it being so near to me...then again, if your parents will only let you go with them, it kinda ruins the incentive to go... :D
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