Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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Tea is my favourite but I love Starbucks too. Go us living up to our stereotypical Britishness with our tea drinking!!! 5+ cups a day is a definite must!
Hey guys, my entire family (i.e. Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunties, Great Aunts and Great Uncles) is English except for me, my brother and my cousins! I'm first generation Australian but I've adopted a few English customs from my parents. Can I join in the thread? I have a British/other parts of Europe passport? I drink tea and I eat scones...is that enough English-ness? hehe...

I drink about 3 cups of tea a day. I would drink more but then I can't get to sleep at night!
Hi all! I just found this thread and thought I'd come and join in with the English patriotism. Except, I'm gonna break the stereotype, I'm afraid - I don't drink tea. I don't mean ever of course - I've been known to partake of a brew when I have a cold or I'm hungover. It's just I'm not much of a hot drink drinker. I prefer my caffeine cold - Coca Cola is my poison. I do occasionally eat scones though. But only the plain or cheese variety.

I am English though - honest. I originate from Grimsby. It claims to be "Europe Food Town" (at least the road sign going in does). This is a surprise to me as I never realised that Europe survives on a diet of frozen fish products... :lol:
There is nothing to do in Grimsby. Seriously. So, I left to go to University in Manchester at the usual age of 18. I read a bit of a previous conversation about Unis and people recomending Manchester. I wholeheartedly agree! Manchester is great. I've not left. Well, I now reside in neighbouring Bolton but Manchester is still only 15mins away on the train and I work there. Manchester has loads to do and really I should socialise more but I have this internet habit... ;)

Anyway, I've bored you all long enough with my waffle. I'd better get ready for the pub tonight. I shan't be drinking Emglish lager though - vodka for me. With Coke, of course :p
Hi guys Im a newbie too, Im Karen and Im 24 from Suffolk... I love tea too, but Im not much of a lager drinker, I prefer red wine.
drkate said:
Hey guys, my entire family (i.e. Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunties, Great Aunts and Great Uncles) is English except for me, my brother and my cousins! I'm first generation Australian but I've adopted a few English customs from my parents. Can I join in the thread? I have a British/other parts of Europe passport? I drink tea and I eat scones...is that enough English-ness? hehe...

I drink about 3 cups of tea a day. I would drink more but then I can't get to sleep at night!

...No, you can't. :p 3 is not acceptable! At least 5 is acceptable.

nah, I guess you can join the thread.
csi_fan_uk said:
I'm afraid - I don't drink tea.
*gasps* Just kidding. :lol:

I'm also guilty as charged for drinking quite a bit of Coke, I try to stick to the diet Coke though. :p

Britain, Britain, Britain. I think your right wibbs, they should do a sketch on all us tea drinkers. :lol:
Tea is the best drink! I know quite a few people who don't drink it though. I also really like having afternoon tea (clearly I don't do it regularly) but I'm determined to get to the Ritz and have it there, although I think it costs something like £40 which is probably excessive for some sandwiches with no crusts and a couple of scones! :)
I once took my mum into London and I said to her I would treat her to a piece of cake and a cup of tea in the Harvey Nichols cafe. It cost me about £20! :eek: Never again. :lol:
The important question is though was it good cake and an amazing cup of tea?

Of course that's still way too expensive when you can have as good a cup of tea made in your kitchen!
Tinkerbell said:
I once took my mum into London and I said to her I would treat her to a piece of cake and a cup of tea in the Harvey Nichols cafe. It cost me about £20! :eek: Never again. :lol:

Holy ****! :eek: :lol:

There's this posh hotel in my city where a lot of famous people have stayed called the Randolph, and it's £14.95 per person for afternoon tea! :eek: You get this for your money:

Homemade Scones, Preserves and Clotted Cream
Selection of Sandwiches and Cakes
Served with your choice of leaf Tea.

Hmm, not sure if it convinces me to buy afternoon tea there :p :lol:
Muzzy_Olorea said:
Someone in here doesn't drink tea???!!


Sorry! That's me. I'm just not a fan of hot drinks. Of course, I would drink tea if duty called, for Queen and country: make tea not war. ;)
Hey, I'm Becca and I live in Reading. I drink tea and coffee (not together obviously...) but I think I prefer coffee...normal tea's ok after a hard day's work but coffee gives me a buzz. Herbal teas are also gd ^-^
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