This episode is WAY better than last week's. I really like the A-story. I enjoy seeing Catherine and Nick work and bond together. Well what can I say, they are my favorites!
Their hug scene in the hospital made me a little bit sad because I was imagining how things would be in Cath's good bye episode. 
The B-story is good though it is a bit pointless in my opinion. Haskell is serving two life sentences! What's the point of charging him with attempted murder? And because of that he managed to escape! :scream: :wtf: However, I'm still interested how this Haskell story will end. Yes I'm sick of seeing him but what can I do? I won't quit CSI just because of him.
The B-story is good though it is a bit pointless in my opinion. Haskell is serving two life sentences! What's the point of charging him with attempted murder? And because of that he managed to escape! :scream: :wtf: However, I'm still interested how this Haskell story will end. Yes I'm sick of seeing him but what can I do? I won't quit CSI just because of him.