This episode didn't work for me at all. The combination of Haskell/McCann didn't mesh well, and the scene transitions were awkward as hell. Haskell getting away was obvious and expected. McCann dying was both hilarious and welcomed. For an episode that was promoted mostly for Bieber, he sure didn't have much screen time (which I don't mind). Meh.
The Catherine/Vartann/Nick/Kip() scenes were semi-enjoyable, but I *really* got annoyed with Nick. I understand his frustration; being targeted is not something to take lightly. But c'mon... you're a CSI. Stuff like this comes with the territory. If you're not willing to go through it, then quit. The fact that he was the only one oblivious to all of Jason's shenanigans is mind boggling as well. Yikes!
:lol: If he's not willing to go through it? Where in a CSI's job description does it say you might have wackos bombing your house??
Maybe I should've phrased it differently, but a CSI should know that their life, just like a police officer or detective, is going to be on the line. Whether it be at home, in the field, or at the office.
Sorry to see Vartann get that bullet to the leg but... you're in a warehouse with a bomb in it, always be on the lookout for more!
A bit hypocritical, don't you think?
I wasn't expecting much from this episode and it definitely proved me right. The Langston/Haskell stuff I think I snoozed through. What a waste of time! And a completely stupid ending with him getting away with his psycho girlfriend. I am so mad he is going to be back in the future. Ugh!
The Bieber case really didn't hold my interest either, even with the bomb scene only because I knew the main cast were going to be okay through it. I figured the bomb tech would die. That storyline was weak overall and really didn't hold my interest too well either.
Overall it was one of the weaker episodes of the season to me.
We know, you never are when the episode doesn't feature enough Greg.
You know if you just be a fan of a main character, then you'd be happy.![]()
I don't recall saying Dizzney she disliked tonight's episode because of a lack of Greg.Sorry, speedy, but I think that was a low blow.
Of course, I loved the episode. Sorry VL, Nick shouldn't have to expect that. He's a CSI, not a bomb tech. He's suppose to deal with the aftermath, not the before part.
"Stalker," "Grave Danger," "Meat Jekyl"... he was a CSI who worked the scenes, and was targeted as a result. Ask any real life CSI or law enforcement officer; they don't have to specialize in any certain subject, they can still be a target.