Re: Talk Law & Order Here.
The CI ep was pretty good, at first I had some reservations about the parralle between their story and the JonBenet Ramsey case, but they did the ep imo tastefully and while there were similarities, they kept just this side to keep it different.
The SVU ep, didn't really hold my attention as well, while I am glad to see Mariska (Benson) back on the show, the ep seemed too lack excitement. First off they had Benson basically doing in Oregon that she did in New York. Second doing all this while undercover for the feds amazing, and third how long it took that case agent to get the message (a couple days) that she was needed back in NY, for a court date. I see the need to re-intro her back into the show but come on imo bad way to do it, I thought they would show part of her in Oregon and then part in New York. She was in New york for the last 3-5 mins of the ep.
As to romantical, the commerical gives the leeway of Beck and Stabler, but yet they said that Kathleen his wife will be making a couple appearances, but who knows with writers.
Also this really isn't a spoiler of any sort but if you believe Ausiello then...
Question: You said Mariska is back permanently on Oct. 31, but exec producer Neal Baer wrote in his blog that it's just a special thing. Which is it?
Ausiello: OK, I think I've got this figured out now. Mariska has a big episode on Oct 31, but she doesn't return full-time until Nov 28.
Question: I've heard rumors that Connie Nielsen's character will be killed off SVU during November sweeps. Do you have any scoop?
Ausiello: Not true. As a source at the show tells me, "There are a lot of other ways to leave the precinct."
I hope the "Mods" forgive me for double posting but in the next one I will list the spoilers for the next eps of the three shows, the catch is its what is available as of right now.