I'm thinking this season might have more of a role reversal with the characters. I think Sam might take the lead and initiative more in his fight to save Dean, as opposed to Dean being the one whose all gung-ho for the fight (I bet he wants Sam to take a break like in the last epi). That's not saying Dean won't be good ol'Dean, ready and willing to kick some ass, I just think it's going to be a different Sam in Season 3. Anyone get what I mean, or am I just talking/typing in circles here? (I'm at work, so my brain is half asleep :lolBabaOReilly said:
I'm wondering how the season will start, since they'll probably be all keen since they got renewed. Do you think they'll hit the ground running, or they'll ease us back in to some angst about Dean's newfound situation? I'm in favour of the "hit the ground running" approach, myself.
And to all my fellow Vancouverites- just over a month before Season 3 is scheduled to start filming again! Someone get ready to cue the Thin Lizzy!
Man these guys don't get much of a break!