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Eh! Great pictures allstar, thanks for sharing. :D

This show, I swear is affecting me. I've been seeing Classic Cars everywhere I go this week. :lol: They're everywhere on my street and I keep seeing them when I drive around town. Also, that Wendy's commercial where the chicken is driving that black-ish blue car around? Almost died.

Ashley, I've been meaning to say here, but your Jensen/Supernatural icons are amazing. :D I snagged a couple of them and will use --- but the one where he's grabbing the darts won't work on TalkCSI for me. :( Poo.
Thanks Ashley. :D Works fabulously now!

Rawr, so Supernatural's premier has been pushed back to October 4th, I believe. (At least for CityTV) I'm tired of seeing this show getting bumped on its premier for another new show. Last year it was Ugly Betty and this year it's a new show called 'Reaper'. Blah.

But good news! Jared Padalecki has been nominated for 'Choice Supporting Actor in a Drama Series' for the Teen Choice Awards. :D Although no Jensen mentioned which sucks the fun out of it but hopefully Jared wins.
It would be nice if they were both presenting or something though, huh? We could see some choice photos, methinks... ;)

I may be biased, but I actually think Jensen's performances are the stronger of the two... :cool:
BabaOReilly said I actually think Jensen's performances are the stronger of the two...8)

It's true! :eek:

I think Jensen was given more material to work with as opposed to Jared (Who often stands in the back making a face of either pain or confuzzlement and then gives the 411 to Dean) Not to diss Jared - 'Cause he's cool on the show and does well with what he's given but er.... :p

Jensen - because I think he has more experience over Jared - is a stronger actor therefore has stronger performances. (And he deserves an EMMY at least. Maha.)
I agree that Jensen does seem to be stronger but I also agree that they don't really give Jared a chance to show what he can do. Jensen is kind of treated like the godly always knows what to do brother and it is almost like Jared is only there so that Jensen will have someone to ridicule.

I do have to ask though what is with putting Jared on a show where one of the main characters is named Dean after he just came off a show where his character was named Dean? I kept getting confused at the beginning and having watched more Gilmore Girls then Supernatural whenever I try to talk about Supernatural I find myself accidentally calling Jared 'Dean'.

Anyway I think it is good thing Jared is nominated and not Jensen. This way he can get a little recognition that he deserves. The day can be all about him and I think that is a good thing.
touchcookies said

I agree that Jensen does seem to be stronger but I also agree that they don't really give Jared a chance to show what he can do.

That is true as well. Like you said, he's kind of the butter to Dean's bread and nothing more. I wish they would give him something a little extra so I could enjoy both performances as opposed to getting slightly irritated whenever 'Sam' makes a face. :lol:

I sincerely hope the storyline where Sam has to save Dean for a change will pan out well.

I'm also just jelous that Jensen didn't get nominated. :p
i have to agree with you all about jensen performance, especially this past season, was nothing short of phenomonal. it would have been great to see him nominated too, for anything. an emmy is long due if your asking me. but i have to say jared's been quite good this season too, born under a bad sign, quite possibly the best thing i have ever seen jared in, hes definitely worthy of any kind of recognition if you ask me. i'm hopeing that the writers delve more into the evil sammy-ness next season, it definitely gives him a chance to show what he can do. and next seasons possibilities are endlesss as far as story lines for both of themi just can't wait.
Well, good for Jared for getting nominated. :D :D But I wonder, what's with the Best Supporting Actor part? Last time I checked, they were both leads, they were both pretty equal. Huh.

But I gotta agree, BUABS was incredible. I just loved how he switched gears every two seconds. I had downloaded a zip file of screencaps, and as you click through, you can pinpoint the exact moments that his expression changes from nice!Sam to evil!Sam and back again. It's like slow motion, and it's fantastic.

Jensen is also incredibly awesome. "What Is And What Should Never Be" never ceases to amaze me, and has always stood out to me. I think he should have been nominated too. :(

Plus, these are the Teen Choice Awards -- where are the "Choice Hottie" nominations!? :p
^ My bad, I looked it up just now and he's up for 'Choice Male in a TV Drama'. And Jared is also scheduled to appear there, so he might be presenting something as well. :)

And Supernatural - in my opinion - isn't really a drama. It's like a sci-fi Dramedy. :lol: But I'm still miffed that they weren't nominated for Choice TV Drama. Blech. Most underappreciated show.
^^^ Here here. But we're an underground movement and we'll bring this show to the forefront if it kills us! :lol:

Yeah, Jared does usually play straight man to Dean, but I mean, that IS his personality. I gotta say, in both the sort of more "fun" episodes from season 1 (the one with Mordecai and all the practical joking), and season 2 (the trickster episodes) I really enjoyed getting to see the more comical side of Sam. He needs to let his freak flag fly more often! :lol:

Anyway, when is this awards show on?
its on tonight at 8pm on fox.
oh man i loved the trickster episode by far one of my faves ever.
and Geni i totally agree with what you said, its definitely not a straight, across the board drama. they writers seems to keep it pretty equal when it comes to comedic and dramatic tones, its pretty awesome.
I watched Jared presented an award...I cant remember which one(excuse my lack of apostrophe my computer has apparently just decided it is french so I dont know where they are) Anyway they didnt show the award that he was up for so we only saw him present the one. I checked the website ad it says he didnt win though so that kind of sucks.
yeah he presented at the beginning to the high school muscial cast. he looked like he was 12 feet tall standing next to those kids ha. but yeah like touchcookies said they didn't show his award, i watched 2 hours of lameness jsut to see him win and then it didn't happen.
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