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Then you are definitely going to cry your eyes out next week, cause seeing Dean in the preview, already broke my heart. Im beginning to think Im a robot because the end scene didn't really do anything for me - it was beyond sad, but I knew it was coming. Stupid previews! :mad:

Im so interested to find out how Mary knew about the Yellow-Eyed Demon. I doubt John told her, cause I don't think he knew anything about demons before Mary's death. Maybe the Demon tried that same thing when Dean was a child, or it's something crazy like the Demon's Mary's father or something. :eek: :lol:
Then stop watching the previews, allstar! :lol: I haven't been watching them on the website lately at all (and they don't show "scenes from next week" after the episode airs here on City TV) and I've been enjoying the episodes immensely. :)

I stopped listening to spoilers for CSI a few years ago, and it made a huge difference in how much I was enjoying the episode. No preconceived ideas means no letdowns. ;)
allstar12 said:
Im so interested to find out how Mary knew about the Yellow-Eyed Demon. I doubt John told her, cause I don't think he knew anything about demons before Mary's death. Maybe the Demon tried that same thing when Dean was a child, or it's something crazy like the Demon's Mary's father or something. :eek: :lol:
No sure if spoiler code is necessary, but...
The demon said there were other generations, so what if Mary was in the last generation or something that he tried and wanted her to be one of his soliders...maybe John saved her at the time...I dunno...just my brain a'thinkin' :D
^^^ Oh, ThisIsMe, good theory. I hadn't even considered that angle/connection! That's entirely plausible.
Ohhh, nice theory Thisisme. I like it!

I don't know if anyone knew about this already but there was a discussion panel thing in England over the weekend with Jensen Ackles, Alona Tol (Jo), Nicki Aycox (Meg) and a few other CW stars.

Here's some fun trivia about Mr. Ackles.

- Calls Jared Jarhead
- His answer to his favourite body part was to look down at his crotch and grin, and his answer to his least favourite body part (of his own, this is) was his 'damn Texas bow legs'

- He was uncomfortable working with Jessica Alba because they argued a lot, but she contacted him after they finished filming and apologised because she felt stressed and overworked and took it out on him. They hugged and made up and are great with eachother now (I can totally see that, I loved DA but she seems like a real b**** to me)

- Jensen and Jared only had one bad fight, but they actually stepped up to eachother on set and worried the crew that they were actually going to fight
- He kept fumbling trying to clean a rifle and pull it apart and reassemble it while speaking long dialogue, but cracked up because all Jared had to do was sit there in silence and open a beer and he couldn't manage it
- He wants to shoot an ep of Supernatural on a Hawaiian beach to attack the 'ghost surfer'
- He doesn't have a ringtone and has his phone on vibrate literally all the time in case he forgets to turn it off and it goes off on set
- If there's one thing he hates on Supernatural it's the scenes where he has to eat - which apparently is about once every ep, and he has to 'stuff [his] face' over all those takes.
- The writers are well aware of the 'wincest' fanfiction incest between the two of them and writes in random gay jokes to poke fun at that fanfic (I laughed for so long at this one :lol:)
Oh man! That's awesome, allstar! I knew about the convention, but hadn't actually read much about what was actually said during the discussion panel. I did read, however, that Jensen was a little late getting there because on his way there, a fangirl literally tackled him. Apparently she jumped off a flight of stairs and onto him, and wrapped her arms and legs around him. :eek: Needless to say, he was a little shaken up. The girl got thrown out of the convention.

I also came across a video of Jensen singing with Jason Mann at the convention. Jensen sings the harmony, and it's kind of hard to hear him because he's far away from the microphone (that they're sharing). But here's the link anyway, if you're interested.

I'm guessing there's probably all kinds of vids from the con posted all over YouTube and such. :D

Three... more... days... I'm going to Calgary this week, so I get to watch the finale as it airs (instead of a day late) on my brother's nice TV and good sound system. I'm so excited. :D My TV sucks. :(
SUH WEET! :D Thanks for the extra goodies, you guys. Much appreciated!

Edited to add: I don't know who Jason mann is though?
BabaOReilly said:
Edited to add: I don't know who Jason mann is though?
Jason Manns' a singer and a friend of Jensen's. I remember reading on IMDb or somewhere that he sings backup on one of Jason's tracks from his record too.

ETA: Went back to IMDb and dug around to find this link I'd seen before-- J & J "Crazy Love"
Wow, nice. He has a nice voice- I never would have pegged him for the higher harmony though; his voice is kind of deep.
Jensen also sung back-up on a few songs from Christian Kane'a album. You guys should check it out, he has a great voice. He's also the guy who played Lindsay on "Angel".
^^^ I knew that name sounded familiar. I bet it's country music though, isn't it? Not so fond of the croonin'...



I just remember that episode where Dean sang to wake Sam up in the car, and I thought at the time, "Hmmm... he has a nice strong voice." :)
Eh, it's kind of country. He's got a serious Southern voice when he sings, dont ask me where that came from cause he never had it before. LOL. But his songs are rocky as well, especially "House Rules". Ive never been able to tell when Jensen's been on a track, to be honest. His voice has never really popped for me, 'cept in the SPN episode ;)
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