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Ok, first off: Holy hell, this week's episode DOES look awesome. I am so excited. The other day a friend of mine commented on how shows "didn't really end their seasons with big, exciting stories anymore" and used Supernatural as an example. To which I replied with something to the effect of "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND?!?!"

Secondly, my thoughts on last week's episode (I find if I wait a couple days, some of the squee wears off so I can prevent myself from posting an 8-page essay on the awesomeness): I too LOVED the lawn mower scene, I literally flailed my arms and legs wildly at seeing it. :lol: It amused me how Dean kinda struggled with turning the lawn mower, since he had never done it before. Heehee! :D Another one of my favourite scenes was the Pilot-reminiscent one. The original was one of the most memorable scenes for me, and to see it revisited was awesome. "That was so easy I'm embarrassed for you." :lol:

Couple of other things:
-new license plate! Is it weird that I feel emotionally attached to the good ol' KAZ 2Y5?
-it was so weird seeing Dean without his usual necklace and rings and stuff
-all the fancy special effects, but they couldn't do a little better job Photoshopping some of those family pictures (Sam's grad pic is REALLY bad)
-"Bitch." -- "*puzzled look* What are you calling me a bitch for?" :lol:

And a little hidden gem... the message that Sam sends to Dean's phone says: "Hey dude. How are you doing man? I'm pretty darn good myself! I've been meaning to sit down and write you but I've been so darn busy! I've been meaning to write too but hey what's a fella to...[message goes off bottom of screen]"

AU!Sam says things like "darn" and "fella." :lol:

Also, Sammy got strangled! I have been waiting ALL SEASON for that! :lol:
Man, Jensen rocked that episode! :D LOVED it! Man, that guy can express so much with his face, and in particular his eyes. Just an awesome performance all round.

I recall in... "Bugs", I think it was (?) when Dean says he'd kill himself if he ever had to live in "suburbia"... and then he's totally embracing it in this ep! I knew it. I knew he had a side longing for normalcy! :) Especially if he could have his mom back, I guess.

Haven't seen any previews, but I'm dying for a new episode, as always! :lol:

Incidentally, JDM's character didn't die of a stroke in Grey's Anatomy- he dies of heart failure. Poor bastard; man did I ball my eyes our when Denny died! :(

Anyhoooooo... bring on tomorrow night and let the good times roll! :D
BabaOReilly said:
Incidentally, JDM's character didn't die of a stroke in Grey's Anatomy- he dies of heart failure. Poor bastard; man did I ball my eyes our when Denny died! :(
Oh, I totally bawled my eyes out during that episode too!
I believe it was a stroke. Didn't Izzie say he was prone to blood clots and it caused a stroke? to google... :)

I missed all but the last 5 minutes of last week's episode (was watching the Canucks lose :(), but I'm definately looking forward to the two-parter coming up!! :D
I thought it was because of heart failure, too... because Izzie cut the power cord to his... thingie that made his heart beat easier (oh God I'll never be a doctor :lol:)... so that he could get the transplant. Or wait, did he get the transplant and then die later? I can't remember. I do remember also bawling my eyes out, though. Same with the ep where he was a ghost when Meredith was dying. It was pretty much the only Grey's Anatomy I watched all season, and boy was I glad! Oh JDM. <3

So unbelievably excited for tonight. It's hard to believe the season finale us almost upon us. :D
How many more episodes are there, after tonight?

I wonder when season 2 will be out on DVD... ;)
OK sorry, but this post is much later and needs to be separate from my last post...

HOLY SHIT!!!!!! :eek:
BabaOReilly said:
HOLY SHIT!!!!!! :eek:

I mean, of course they can't kill off Sam, that would just be...well, wrong, but what a way to end the episode!!
When the others like Sam appeared I was like "yeah, people like him" but then they turned all creepy and demonic. Bastards. And Ava- I had such high hopes for her and Sam!!
Cute opening (I'm a fan of extra onions too :p). When Sam didn't know where he was I kept thinking "Dude, you're in Burnaby Village" ...or somewhere like it :lol: Then flicking to CSI, it looked like they were in the same locale! Gotta love the western backlot at Universal...anywho...

To answer your question from your above post, one more episode left this season.
Before Sam recognized Dean, it looked like he had turned to the darkside a wee bit. Do you guys think they are going to leave us with that cliffhanger until next season? Maybe season 3 will have Dean hunting Sam! :eek:

ETA: Ash! :(

ETAagain: Just watched 'Hollywood Babylon' (I missed it when it orignally aired). Such great moments in that epi! I totally love how Dean gets so wrapped up in the film biz and his role as a PA. Plus, the inside jokes= awesome! :D
Oh God. OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGod.

I couldn't possibly agree more with the "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!"


What a bloodbath... EVERYONE dies. Ash! Noooo! ANDY!! NOOOO!! And Ava... oh Ava. I had so much love for her in 'Hunted.' Then, she was kind of irritating me tonight, but totally made up for it by quoting the lyrics from Born Under A Bad Sign by Cream (If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all). The unreadable text on my icon is actually those very lyrics. :)

And then... and then... OH SAM!!! Yes, there was much bawling of eyes out done tonight. And then when I watched it the second time right afterwards, there was more bawling. Who knew that a request for pie could cause breaking down into tears?

And Dean's pseudo-vision! Eeeee!

And the YED in Sam's dream! Eeeee!

Looks like my original "Sam is demon spawn" theory might be back... Mary knew the Demon... Incubus, anyone? Maybe?

I wonder if Sammy has super-strength too? It always amazed me how easily he moved the shelves in "The Usual Suspects." :lol:

Oh, and did I mention the end scene? And how much bawling of eyes out was done? And how completely and utterly crushed I am? Except for that since it'll be all right in the end, it lessens the complete and utter crushed-ness. Slightly.

There is going to be an unbelievable amount of hurtiness in the first few minutes of the finale.

God I love this show.
:eek: :eek:



Holy shiz-niz.

Agreed on everything that everyone has said, to start off. Secondly, ZOMG!!!! I was not expecting half of the stuff that happened in that episode, and usually I'm pretty good at predicting what will happen next.

My sister was freaking out because Sam and Dean finally had their 'hug', so-to-speak. :lol:

I loved the scene with the yellow-eyed Demon coming in Sam's dream and showing him what really went down. As I recall, the pilot went a tad different though... (I think Mama Winchester screamed and that's how Papa Winchester woke up but ah well) Anyway, I liked how they cleared some of that up in a Christmas Carol kind of way. :D

ThisIsMe said
Do you guys think they are going to leave us with that cliffhanger until next season?

Well, since they left a cliffhanger in this episode, I don't think they'll have one for the second part. I think they'll wrap everything up in the finale. I also remember Kripke being worried whether they were going to get a season three, so he decided they'd resolve the storyline at the end of season two so at least the fans would have something to clear their minds about in case the show didn't make it. - Also, something was also said about how if the fans weren't satisfied at all during a season, and there was cliffhanger after cliffhanger, then no one would keep watching because teasing the audience isn't the coolest thing to do two times in a row.

But who knows! I hope they do resolve the storyline, but I really did like the cliffhanger at the end of this episode. :D

quicky said
And Dean's pseudo-vision! Eeeee!

*squees* Best. Part. Ever.

"Well that was about as fun as being kicked in the jewels" :lol:

The end really got me. SAVE HIM DEAN! :eek:

Also, the part where Dean was looking at the map of the US and saying it's a "3000 mile haystack", I was thinking the whole time "GO TO VANCOUVER! V-A-N-C-O-U-V-E-R!" lol. Hey, it would have made sense, right?

And to anyone who hasn't seen this show, START WATCHING IT! Holy jeebers, this show needs more of a following than it already has. There is excellent writing, always continuity, and it actually holds one's attention longer than two minutes. :lol:

It's amazing how much publicity this show DOESN'T get. While other more mediocre shows get TV Guide, ads in the newspaper, billboards, etc, Supernatural has barely anything. (What happened to the overplayed 'Supernatural, season one, coming to Space' we had a few years ago? PLAY MORE COMMERCIALS.)

I don't have the CW so I don't know how much their commercials are played there, but dang this show needs some more publicity anyway.
^^^ They really play up "Smallville" on Thursday nights, but not Supernatural as much. And I used to watch Smallville but it just doesn't hold my attention anymore. Although I liked the Green Arrow/Justice League intro stuff... but that's all they had. Supernatural is just SO much better in terms of writing (and acting, really) but Smallville has been around longer I guess and has developed more of an audience.

As fond as I am of succinctness, rather than leave it at "HOLY SHIT", I'm going to watch last night's episode again and then I'll come back and give a proper review. ;)
speed_cochrane said:
ThisIsMe said
Do you guys think they are going to leave us with that cliffhanger until next season?

Well, since they left a cliffhanger in this episode, I don't think they'll have one for the second part. I think they'll wrap everything up in the finale. I also remember Kripke being worried whether they were going to get a season three, so he decided they'd resolve the storyline at the end of season two so at least the fans would have something to clear their minds about in case the show didn't make it.
I hope they do wrap it up too!
From what I've heard, they have been renewed for Season 3, right?
I think it may be a story wrap up, but not an arc wrap up, if you know what I mean. As in, maybe they win this battle, but the war carries on... At least, that's how I picture it.
As it turns out, they still have not officially been renewed. But there are plenty of sources that say that they are 'as good as renewed.' But there is still the possibility that at the last minute it'll be like "Oh, and by the way, you're not getting renewed."

I think they will for sure be announcing it at the CW Upfronts... which are... soon? *googles* looks like they're on:

Thursday, May 17
10:30 AM EST
Madison Square Garden

The morning of the finale... eep.

I also read that Jensen's sort-of-almost in the running for an Emmy for Best Actor in a Drama for AHBL (I assume it'll be part two). He's not actually nominated yet, but it's like the pre-pre-list of potential nominees. :D
OK, haven't watched the ep again yet, but I just gotta say, I scanned back to the end again and I totally had tears streaming down my face again! I swear to you, I hardly ever cry over TV, and even then it usually only happens when people are mean to animals or something (or Denny dies on Grey's Anantomy!), but damn... this show has gotten me a couple times now. Anazing!
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