I wonder if the ham was a shout-out to Canada as our Thanksgiving was a few days ago?
As for the episode as a whole, when I first heard of the synopsis for the episode, I thought we'd get a recycled 'Bedtime Stories' episode with the way they explained it but it came out totally different -- it leaned more toward urban legends than fairy tales which was awesome. I was sort of missing the 'monster of the week' and 'urban legends' stuff so I like whenever they balance it with mythology.
Hands-down favourite part of the episode was Castiel sitting on the whoopee cushion. :lol: Misha does so great with the material he gets, no matter if it's comedy or angst.
When Sam and Dean were talking to the kid after the demon left, did anyone else think "Tell the kid to turn the angel back!"? :lol: I was getting a little worried there for a minute.
It's great that there's a bit of a human edge to Castiel -- he seemed generally upset with what he had to do to the kid. Seems he's a bit more of a bleeding heart than the other angels.
Aw we missed classic rock this week.
Totally bummed about that. Here's to hoping they throw in at least one song per episode sometime during the rest of the season.
Oh and I was watching 'Dogma' yesterday and I was very amused with the amount of similarities between Supernatural's apocalypse and that movie's apocalypse. :lol:
As for the episode as a whole, when I first heard of the synopsis for the episode, I thought we'd get a recycled 'Bedtime Stories' episode with the way they explained it but it came out totally different -- it leaned more toward urban legends than fairy tales which was awesome. I was sort of missing the 'monster of the week' and 'urban legends' stuff so I like whenever they balance it with mythology.
Hands-down favourite part of the episode was Castiel sitting on the whoopee cushion. :lol: Misha does so great with the material he gets, no matter if it's comedy or angst.
When Sam and Dean were talking to the kid after the demon left, did anyone else think "Tell the kid to turn the angel back!"? :lol: I was getting a little worried there for a minute.
It's great that there's a bit of a human edge to Castiel -- he seemed generally upset with what he had to do to the kid. Seems he's a bit more of a bleeding heart than the other angels.
Aw we missed classic rock this week.
Oh and I was watching 'Dogma' yesterday and I was very amused with the amount of similarities between Supernatural's apocalypse and that movie's apocalypse. :lol:
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