Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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That video equals ten parts :drool: (Jens looked gorgeous in that suit) and five parts :guffaw: Jared's such a jokester. :lol: I love it!
^ Hahah Nikky, did you get those from twitter? :lol: I had already seen all of them, but Misha in a frock.. :lol: That one is so awesome.
Found a small spoiler on EW from Ausiello. Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I don't recall seeing it before, so here goes:

Supernatural is adding the recurring role of Raphael, a mechanic who becomes possessed by one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

Some think it'll be arch angel Raphael or Arch Angel Michael. Some think this'll be who Lucifer possesses. But, what about Gabriel? I've wanted to see Gabriel on here... as long as he's not evil like that other guy, Castiel's "partner". I forget his name. :lol:
Found a small spoiler on EW from Ausiello. Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I don't recall seeing it before, so here goes:

Supernatural is adding the recurring role of Raphael, a mechanic who becomes possessed by one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
Some think it'll be arch angel Raphael or Arch Angel Michael. Some think this'll be who Lucifer possesses. But, what about Gabriel? I've wanted to see Gabriel on here... as long as he's not evil like that other guy, Castiel's "partner". I forget his name. :lol:

I doubt that Raphael will have anything to do with Lucifer, because Mark Pellegrino has already been casted to play the character and it says nothing on IMBD about a Raphael, I think they normally would list both names. I think it will be another angel or an arch angel. Wasn't the angel named Uriel? :)
Found a small spoiler on EW from Ausiello. Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I don't recall seeing it before, so here goes:

Supernatural is adding the recurring role of Raphael, a mechanic who becomes possessed by one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
Some think it'll be arch angel Raphael or Arch Angel Michael. Some think this'll be who Lucifer possesses. But, what about Gabriel? I've wanted to see Gabriel on here... as long as he's not evil like that other guy, Castiel's "partner". I forget his name. :lol:

I doubt that Raphael will have anything to do with Lucifer, because Mark Pellegrino has already been casted to play the character and it says nothing on IMBD about a Raphael, I think they normally would list both names. I think it will be another angel or an arch angel. Wasn't the angel named Uriel? :)

Uriel, yeah. I knew it was a "U", but I wanted to say "Uri", but I knew that didn't sound right. :lol: Thanks! :)

The spoiler said whoever possessed Raphael will be someone very important. Do you think they may bring the creator into this and that he may be the one to possess Raphael? If it's an angel, my bet is on either Michael or Gabriel.
It might be just Raphael himself, as Raphael is also an archangel.
I believe there were 5 archangels in the bible: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Lucifer. That's how much I remember from religion class :p

And I have come with very random pics. :D
five :lol:

Is Bobby their only ally or will others come in to help during the season?
When we first come back in the season opener, Castiel is dead, destroyed by the Archangel. So there’s some moments when we wonder if they’ll have the help of their old angel pal Cas. There’s always allies, sometimes in unlikely places. But it’s always the idea of this small scared sweaty group up against overwhelming forces, and that’s kind of where the heart of Supernatural lies. In that idea of it as a Western, and you got the entire army outside and you’re inside and you’ve got to shoot your way out.

:eek: Castiel Dead ... oh noes :( although we know that Misha's already signed on as a regular for season 5. But who's to say he's not going to play Jimmy except for Castiel :shifty:


Katie in Colorado Springs, Colo.: We Supernatural fans are still waiting for some spoilery Dean goodness for season five. Help us!
You ask, we answer! Our sources tell us that when Supernatural returns, Dean takes Castiel out for a night on the town to loosen him up. As you could assume, hilarity ensues.

:wtf: why am I thinking Dean, Castiel in a exotic dance club ...

Q: I read that the prophet Chuck appears on Supernatural again this season. I love that guy! What does he tell the boys?
K: The prophet Chuck is definitely back on SPN in season five. Our sources say he doesn't prophesize anything specific, but he does help out Sam and Dean. Also popping by this season will be one of Nathaniel's buddies, the archangel Raphael. According to Wikipedia, Raphael's specialty is healing. Wonder if he can help poor Sammeh with his season-launching nervous breakdown?

From Samantha 'Ellen' Ferris blog:
"Yep, it's official.........Ellen is back.

Actually it was official a while back but you don't want to jinx these things.

Very psyched! It feels like forever and i am thrilled to be back with the boys and the crew and the show. Although it will be a little bittersweet without Kim Manners there. I'm sure he is rockin' out in another dimension somewhere looking down at us thinking, "poor bastards", with a smile on his face.

Apart from a convention here and there i haven't actually seen Les Freres Winchester in quite some time and am really looking forward to it...... as well as kicking some ass. See if we can get some of that in there, too. I'll do my best.

Nope. Not giving any details. Sorry. Wouldn't be prudent. But i will say this...

There might be some salt.....maybe a demon or two......and a whoooole lotta bad s**t going on. There. I'm sure i have totally shed light on the situation for you. (Aren't there things called spoilers for that?)

Yeehaw. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, there is talk of doing a convention in Spain next summer, which would be very cool as i a have never been to spain. We'll see if it works out.

Hope yer well".
I was in a cool place called Archangelos in Greece yesterday! :lol:

Also, Misha Collins cracks me up. Hahahaha, yoghurt.

Umm ... just wow :guffaw: Misha is such a goof :shifty:





lol ...
Found this online:
Living poaches rights to 'Supernatural'

For UK Fans:

Just for a head's up guys at Comic Con they showed the bloopers and a sneak peek at five minutes of Supernatural here's an overview:

:lol: It starts with an intro by our favorite ghost hunters :D Ed seems to be ticked off that he has to make an introduction for Supernatural and not their tv show. The picture gets distorted and you can see Corbett from the Ghostfacers episode behind Ed :lol: Hope they surely don't play the flashback video that they played ... it went way too fast looked like flashing lights it was so fast, they should have put one of those seziure warnings on that thing ... I think the song they played was You Got Another Thing Coming by Judas Priest.

The scene itself starts with Sam and Dean looking around a house you can see a copy of the Supernatural novels on the ground so it's pretty obvious they're at Chuck's. Sam and Dean are cautious as they walk around one of the room and Chuck jumps out and hits Sam up side the head with a plunger :lol:

(Not an actual transcript kind of hard hearing what was said)

Chuck - "Sam, you're ok!"
Sam - "Well my head hurts," :lol:
Chuck - "Well my last vision, you were like full on Vader ... your eyes were black,"
Dean - "Your eyes were black?"
Sam - "Yeah,"
Dean - "Where's Cas?"
Chuck - "He's dead, he like exploded like a water balloon with chunky soup" :wtf: after that I kind of lost track of what was being said, then Zac shows up and he points out that Dean's hand is bleeding.
Dean - "Yeah a little insurance policy just incase you showed up," he opens a door and the blood drawing thing is still on the door and he draws a circle with the blood and all the angels disappear and then he has the great line of "I learned that from my buddy Cas, you SOB" :D

Episode looks great!!

So with the darkest of all angels about to make his big entrance through the floor, what can fans expect from Season 5? Lots of cool stuff, according to Kripke, writers Sera Gamble and Ben Edlund, and cast members Misha Collins and Jim Beaver—all of whom were present for the Comic-Con Supernatural panel.

After showing a clip from the Season 5 premiere, in which Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) set a house trap for three unscrupulous angels, Kripke talked about portraying Lucifer in innovative ways that haven't been seen before. This involved an approach being dubbed "herbal teas and fluffy pillows," or more accurately, making the character sympathetic—a direct reference to the beginning of Milton's "Paradise Lost". Kripke said: "He was essentially betrayed, so in some ways he can be viewed sympathetically ... if we can make the angels dicks, Lucifer can by sympathetic."

According to Kripke, even thought the apocalypse is nigh, this season is actually more optimistic, because Sam and Dean come back together...with the theme being that family saves the world. And while he admits that it might seem a bit Pollyanna in tone, it serves as the balance to the show's relentlessly dark theme.

Sera Gamble, meanwhile, believes that the apocalypse actually has its funny moments, with Ben Edlund supporting her assertion, joking that in one episode there's a scene that features 22 people in a line-up (akin to a Comic-Con lineup, perhaps?), casually waiting to be hung.

And according to Kripke, the writers had a lot of fun with Castiel (Misha Collins). The angel character was always written as a being who hadn't walked among humans — as a human — for thousands of years, and thus humanity would seem alien to him. But in Season 5, he's back among them regularly again. Collins says that "he's [Castiel] lost a bit of his angel mojo...along with some friends. He has a pretty ambitious mission he's on—he's emotionally cut off from heaven and a bit afraid." So Castiel must learn to function as a human again because he is not an ethereal being anymore.

And, of course, that creates more of the aforementioned funny moments, as the writers play with the 'fish out of water' scenario, i.e. according to Kripke, in one episode, Dean takes Castiel to a brothel. :shifty:

In one of the more provocative reveals, the writers discussed episode four, which sees the story move five years into the future, when the height of the apocalypse is upon us and devastation is everywhere...punctuated by Sara Palin as president (the humor is peppered everywhere, it explicit or implicit).

What else can fans expect? Here's a few highlights:

- Jim Beaver said that an interesting scenario has been cooked up for Bobby, though he wouldn't reveal anything.

- Old hunters like Rufus are coming out of retirement. It's 'all hands on deck' because the apocalypse is going down.

- Ellen Harvelle (Samantha Ferris) returns to back up her daughter Jo (Alona Tal).

- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse make an appearance.

- More mythological creatures from the bible and elsewhere are featured.

- You'll see some celebrity ghosts, including a homicidal Abraham Lincoln.

- And last but not least, Jessica Moore (Adrianne Palicki) is returning in episode three as Sam's girlfriend.

If all of this sounds exciting to you, it sounds exciting to us as well. It also sounds like this team of writers have so many good ideas in the recipe book that they could well go beyond five seasons. Might they? Well, according to Kripke, it's definitely possible, but right now he's focused on taking things one season at a time. All of which is code-speak for: "If the ratings are there [and the studio is willing to pay the cast's rising salaries], we'll probably do more seasons."

Take heart, though, he will not stretch the Lucifer plot-line beyond five years, as it was always part of the original five year arc.

So what will they do for an encore after bringing the Devil back to Earth? We'll just all have to watch and see...

Supernatural's fifth season returns on The CW September 10.

01: Sympathy for the Devil
02: Good God, y'all
03: Free to Be You and Me

Among the casting calls that the show has sent out are requests for a mid-30s mechanic type to be posessed by the archangel Rafael who, it has been hinted, is 'capable of harm'.

We can also expect to see a barmaid and former addict going by the name of Lindsey in her mid-20s who is expected to relate to Sam and his demon blood addiction.

Finally, we will be introduced to another hunter going by the name of Tim Janklow who starts out world-weary but is expected to take a dive off the deep end pretty smartly.

So much for being spoiler free :scream:
Ugh! I don't like the politicial mud-slinging nonsense in shows like this. Can't they just leave that stuff for the politicians instead of injecting it into tv shows? Have made up presidents, not real ones or real people just to put them down. That's annoying.

I really dislike the kinds of episodes that are "several years in the future" type of episodes.
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See now, there's all this interest over this show suddenly (we were obviously brighter than most and have been with the show for AGES- some of you, like me, since the beginning). And now they're going to be pushing for extra seasons and that's just not the way it's supposed to be! I'm with Kripke and (from what I've heard) Jensen on this one: This show was designed to end after next season and that's the way it should be. I mean, if the writer/creator says that, then anything after that would just suck. And I'm sure the guys want to try their hands at other stuff; look at how bitter the cast of CSI seemed the last few years, and why Peterson left? I don't want to see that crap on my beloved Supernatural.
The good thing about Supernatural though is that there are fewer regular characters so everyone gets a good amount of scenes. :lol: I mean there are really only two regulars. Well, four counting Bobby and Cas. But, anyway... and I have a feeling that if Supernatural's writers wrote for CSI they'd be able to better give everyone enough screentime. I've just lost faith in the CSI writers.
Ugh! I don't like the politicial mud-slinging nonsense in shows like this. Can't they just leave that stuff for the politicians instead of injecting it into tv shows? Have made up presidents, not real ones or real people just to put them down. That's annoying. I might skip that episode. It sounds stupid anyway. I hate those kinds of episodes that are "several years in the future" type of episodes. And it's even worse that they're doing the policitcal mud-slinging nonsense. I thought the people that run this show were better than that. I guess I was wrong and they're just like all the others. Disappointed, I am.

I'm sure that the approach that they are going to use isn't going to be all political, they're trying to be humorous. And by that I'm glad they chose a presidental runner that didn't have a chance in hell of winning anyways. I couldn't stand Sara Palin ... but that's just me. Of course at least they didn't have Hilary Clinton or John McCain either :shifty:

I'm surprised to see that you got that bothered by just one episode, I know everyone has certain types of episodes that they like ... but for me if you're a fan of a show, you generally like all episodes. But I guess everyone's different. It's just shocking me because you seem to be one of the users who frequents this thread ... and to see it seems you lost faith in the writing and the writers kind of scares me. I just hope a lot of people don't act the same way ... maybe the future of Supernatural won't be too good ...

(Hope you're not upset by this post)

I'm also up to atleast one more season, a season six won't hurt ... but I don't want too many.
Sorry I was so bitter. I think I'm just overly upset by the road CSI (Vegas) is going down. I was just in a really bad mood cause I was upset with tptb at CSI Vegas. :lol:

As for the content of that episode, maybe it won't be as bad as it sounds. But, it just isn't my kind of humor I guess. :lol:

Oh if all the players were game, I'd like this show to last at least ten seasons, but I get that people are getting tired and want to move on. It makes me sad though cause the cast has such great chemistry. I still wish they had never killed off John though. :lol:
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