Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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whoo hoo!! #4 is not too bad considering the rest of the list is full of some pretty popular show.
and yeah i so agree with your comments.
well...except maybe the one tree hill one. i kinda like that one a little...i can't help it its a guilty pleasure ha.
it should totally b #1 not #4.

Well just in case you failed to read the rules, in order to post in a thread you need to post more than one line and that's including quoting someone. And I totally disagree with you, while I love to watch Supernatural just as much as everyone else that frequents this thread, there is no way that Supernatural could have been number one on the list in the likes of American Idol and even House.

so no i do not agree and i think that it should b #4 some of the other shows are really big names and the fact that it ranked that high is quite the accomplishment

Oh and capitalization and punctuation are your friends. :lol: So much with allowing my pet peeves out on the internet...

Oh and also :lol:
At what stage is Season 5? Do you already have written episode(s)? Have you thought about story arcs, sets, music, etc.?

We have the major arc figured out for the season. (And, if need be, for ending the series.) We're in the midst of writing the first batch of episodes. Episode one is about to shoot.

Aside from Dean and Sam, which other characters will be back for Season 5? Will they all return in the same body?

Bobby's returning, of course. Chuck comes back in the first episode. We cliffhung Castiel quite ominously, but everyone knows Misha Collins is a series regular for Season 5, so... what can I tell you without giving too much away? How about just: You'll be seeing Misha. We're also bringing in Anna and Zachariah. Actually, long story short, the gods smiled on us big time, and we've managed to get a ton of guest stars that we've wanted for a long time. I won't give them all away here, but I promise people will be happy. Here's two: Sam's dead girlfriend Jessica, and one of our favorite hunters, Rufus.

In pre-Season 4 interviews you talked about introducing "new supernatural species," which turned out to be the addition of angels. Any similar plans for Season 5?

When it comes to new stuff, the apocalypse is the fruit basket that keeps on giving. I wouldn't say there's one new species reveal as integral to the season as angels were to season four. This season is more like one of those cans of nuts you open and all these snakes come springing out at you. We take everything to the next level. Last season you met the angels. This season you meet archangels. And they are a whole 'nother thing. And then... there's Lucifer.

In the Judeo-Christianity theology, Uriel is one of the four Archangels. Supernatural not only did not refer to him as such, but also exposed him as a traitor. Do you have any plans for any of the other Archangels to show up, other than to defend the Prophet Chuck unseen?

Yup. Buckle in.

Zachariah said that “God has left the building.” Is he ever coming back (to the show) to check on what his angels have been up to while he’s gone?

Put it to you this way: Characters on the show want to know the same thing.

Dean owes Sam the Biggest "I Told You So" Ever. Will he get a chance to say it? Will Sam have to work on getting Dean's full trust back?

I think this goes way beyond "I told you so." And one of the first things Sam realizes is that given the scope of what he's done, it's possible he'll never fully regain his brother's trust. What happens between the brothers sort of unfolds from there.

Will we see any more evidence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Dean or flashbacks/effects from his time in Hell?

At this point, Dean has more recent crap to have PTSD about, don't you think?

Even though it was said that Lucifer would have more of a “looming presence” rather than a physical appearance, it’s now out there that the show has cast an actor for the role of Lucifer (great choice, btw), what made you decide to change from “looming” to “physically present?” And will we ever see Lucifer's true form?

We haven't changed our minds, actually. As with Lilith and the Yellow Eyed Demon, he's the larger over-arcing threat of the season-- the looming threat, if you will.

Will anyone/anything else Sam was hunting while he was on his own during the four months Dean was in Hell turn up?

Could be, if one of the writers comes up with a good pitch for it.

Since Lucifer and a various assortment of other angels (fallen and otherwise) have appeared on the show, will the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride on Supernatural?

File them under new species. Definitely.

Will we see more of the Winchesters/Campbells' history?

Arguably cooler-- we'll see their future.

Is there any significance to where Dean was buried, and how anonymous his gravesite was, with the old wood cross? Do you think we're ever going to see a flashback of Sam burying Dean in his pine box there in the inexplicable backwoods of Illinois and then jamming that crazy hacked-up cross into the fresh earth over Dean's grave? And since Sam and Bobby went through quite a bit of trouble just to plant Dean in the middle of nowhere, and in a place that (as far as we know) had no special significance, not to mention what on earth would have happened if a shopping mall or interstate had suddenly gone up over Dean's gravesite, will we ever hear or see any references to that moment on the show? If not, do the writers have their own thoughts/back story for that decision? And did Sam ever go back and visit Dean's grave?

The significance of Dean's burial is that he was buried at all. If Sam was going to do the proper thing, he'd have burned his brother's body. But he couldn't, because he wanted to try to bring him back. The makeshift quality of the gravesite is emblematic of their life. As for all that shopping mall stuff you did there? I do that too sometimes in the writers' room, get all theoretical, and then Eric or one of the other writers goes "you're way overthinking it."

Will Season 5 be the last season, or since Jensen and Jared are contracted for 6 seasons and if season 5 ratings are comparable/better than season 4, does it look promising for a season 6, and will you consider being a part of it?

These things have to do with ratings and network schedules and the kinds of calculus done by people in suits that I don't begin to understand. We built more momentum than anyone expected last season, so it will be interesting to see what happens this year. We're definitely the little horror show that could.

What do you think of the CW teaming Supernatural up with The Vampire Diaries, breaking the Smallville/Supernatural night?

I pay almost no attention to schedules. I can't control them, so for my own sanity I try to ignore them as much as possible.

When the series ends, what item would you like to be able to take with you from the set/writers room/etc.?

Ben Edlund is an insanely good artist, and he draws on index cards with dry erase markers the whole time we're in the writers' room. Lots of monsters and tortured screaming old men. So when I go, maybe I'll try to get a few of those as souvenirs.

Are there any plans for a Supernatural spin-off and/or movie?

You'd have to ask Eric about that one. I haven't heard anything about it.

What is the current status of "Miki Falls" and "Syns?"

I'm in the midst of a rewrite on "Miki Falls;" "Syns" is still in contention at Showtime.
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Easy there SomethingWicked. Last time I checked you weren't a Mod in this forum. ;) I have noticed you sometimes come down a little hard when people voice opinions that don't necessarily reflect your own... let's try to not be too hard on the other posters, huh? We want to encourage people to post in our fabulous little Supernatural thread, not scare them away. ;)

Having said that, I don't even understand why something like American Idol would even make an appearance on a list of top TV, but then again I guess imagination and creativity don't always have to be present for something to be popular. I think back in the early days of reality TV, these shows were something of a novelty, but now I think they just try to show the worst aspects of real people. Sad really, but there it is in the ratings, right?

Then again, that's just my humble opinion. ;)
Thank you, Baba. You just beat me to it. While I understand you're trying to help, SomethingWicked, they're a new poster. Yes, they should post more than one line, but we all make mistakes. I sure as hell wasn't the best poster when I first joined. Next time please don't step in. Let one of the mods deal with it. ;) Thank you.
Easy there SomethingWicked. Last time I checked you weren't a Mod in this forum. ;) I have noticed you sometimes come down a little hard when people voice opinions that don't necessarily reflect your own... let's try to not be too hard on the other posters, huh? We want to encourage people to post in our fabulous little Supernatural thread, not scare them away. ;)

Having said that, I don't even understand why something like American Idol would even make an appearance on a list of top TV, but then again I guess imagination and creativity don't always have to be present for something to be popular. I think back in the early days of reality TV, these shows were something of a novelty, but now I think they just try to show the worst aspects of real people. Sad really, but there it is in the ratings, right?

Then again, that's just my humble opinion. ;)

I understand that I did not have the right to tell them that they needed to post more in the post. I do not even watch American Idol, but the truth is that millions of people watch that show and Supernatural had no chance to be number one. I don't recall bashing anyone's views like you said that I've did and if it seems like I have, whatever it was was not intentional.

So I'm sorry if the poster gets upset and I'll let the mods handle situations from now on.
^^^ Fair enough. :)

I think that poster was just saying that in her mind (I'm guessing it's a she since the rest of us seem to be! :lol: ) Supernatural should be #1. I'd agree with that. My top viewing list would probably be something like:

5. Family Guy
4. Bones
3. CSI
2. Flashpoint
1. Supernatural

And I'm still missing Battlestar Galactica. sigh

And I prefer to think of my list as the "thinking man's TV list". That's not too snobby, is it? :lol:
I thought we should have some more discussion in here * dusts off the thread *

I was wondering everyone's thoughts on this subject, what kind of episode have you not seen that you would like to? Or, what questions would you like answered that haven't been answered.

For the episode I'd love to see :lol: I think I've posted this in here before, don't really know for sure though. To me, it sounds like it could be really funny, but the thought of Dean/Sam switching bodies :lol: Do you guys think that would be a funny episode, or corny :p?

There is a couple things that I would like to know. One is why Dean's eyes bled in Bloody Mary.
I thought they did the Sam/Dean body switch thing... or was that just a fic I read? :lol:

As for Dean's eyes, I think maybe it was cause he almost got Sam killed by that witch when they were kids.
i think kirpke said at one of the comic cons that dean was hiding a bigger secret than the flashbacks we saw in "something wicked". i feel like that could be one of the things we are never told, but you never know!

i like the more urban legend style episodes, and i cant believe the boys have not been to new orleans!! there are so many ghost stories out of that area, one of my favourite is a serial killer called "the axe man". the whole city just has supernatural written all over it!
Just a head's up that they have started filming for season 5 and a couple of the titles had been released ... and one I hope they change because it's kind of erm weird sounding :lol:

5x01 Sympathy for the Devil
5x02 Good God, Y'All! :wtf: .......... no comment.
Haha! That first one is an AC/DC song (I think that's the right band).
That second title is hilarious. :guffaw: I'm not sure if it's more hilarious than the Criss Angel one or not. :lol:
Actually the first one is a Rolling Stones song... And one of my faves, in fact. I think that's a great choice, considering the subject matter. ;)
It was GNR I was thinking of, not AC/DC. :lol: GNR must have done a cover of it. :lol: But yeah, it's a great title for an ep of the show at this point. :lol:
Yeah, I think you're right- G'N'R did do a cover of it.

So they're filming again? Man, I gotta make my way over to Burnaby one these days (nights) and see if I can catch a glimpse of these guys. I wonder where they live while they're here... probably Burnaby to be close to the studio, but... meh. Burnaby is so blah compared to metro Vancouver. If I all ever saw of Vancouver was the burbs out in Burnaby, I wouldn't have the best impression of this city.
I'm back with some randomness ... it's amazing what you can find once the season is over ... that makes you so want to see the bloopers from the season. :lol: or maybe just me ... anyways

First I'll start with a video featuring Jensen and Jared O_O no words can describe This :wtf: I don't know what to start with that ... I will say we're so used to hearing Jensen use much deeper voices in his roles and in this he kind of sounds like he's a very hot 20 year old :lol:

I've read on multiple sites that both Adrianne Palicki and Jeffrey Dean Morgan will have roles for season 5 ... I can see Adrianne Palicki doing some episodes. But the question remains of how that's going to come to be ... could be intresting if she shows up as an angel ... but seriously don't see that happening. Also I'll hold my breath on the JDM spoiler ... we all know he's pretty busy with other things, but I would LOVE to see him as John :D

Saving on Gas
Christmas In July
those shorts
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