Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

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Today was strange! In the morning it was cloudy, but almost warm. Then until the middle of the afternoon it was sunny and really warm. Then it just decided to start raining heavily! I arrived home totally wet, and I mean it!
this week it got better every day. today it was great, sunny and warm, 19°C maybe. and it's supposed to get even better on the weekend! 27°C!!!! woohoo
Cold in the morning then it got warmer. But then it got cloudy and was looking like it was going to rain. It got cold but didn't really rain.
Right now it's 0 C, and it actually feels that way because the winds are only at 6 km/h! It's cloudy and it's 10 C below normal for this time of year, but I'm not complaining because it's still warming up a bit (emphasis on the "bit"). Why is global warming happening everywhere but Canada?! :lol:
Today's a scorcher over here! Not a cloud in the sky in really warm as well. Can't believe the weather we're getting over here lately, must be global warmings effects on Ireland!
Oh gee, wow... It rained today... for all of 3 minutes! My mum got all excited and put the buckets out to catch the water... and then by the time she had it stopped raining...

I hate this drought! At least it's getting a bit cooler... I think it was down to about 16c in the wee hours of this morning... YAY! Finally we're getting the effects of autumn... about bloody time!
Why is global warming happening everywhere but Canada?!

Hahah, I know what you mean!

It's cold...again. It's supposed to get warmer, but I don't want to wait. It's still cold, and I'm sick of having to wear a jacket to leave the house in April! Like, maybe leave the house in a rain/spring jacket, not in a winter coat! Like agh, I hope it gets warm and stays warm soon!
The day after I packed up all my winter gear, it snowed. It was bilzzarding yesterday, and now it's sunny and supposed to get to +14c!..bloody southern Alberta.
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