Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

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It's still very snowy. And cold, and I still don't know why I'm in a tanktop. It's like -7. I want the cold weather to go away :( it makes me sad.
its storming like crazy here. rain, hail, lightening, thunder...the works. it would be really awesome if it didn't keep cutting out the electricity and messing up my homework.
It was warm today, but breezy. Just the way I like it. But it's heating up fast, Global Warming, AH! *runs in corner and hides*
Typical weather of April. ^^

Sunny and comfortable, then it's raining and cold, then the sun is shining again.^^

Temperatures between 5 and 12°C.
It's such a beautiful day. There really isn't a cloud in the sky, the sun is shining and it's about 13c. :D
It looks so nice out... but the thermometer says it's about -8. I can't decide if I want to go outside or not.
I offically think the weather must have something against me. It's constantly snowy and cold! It has been snowing on and off for like, the past 4 days! And to think, a week ago I was wearing a tank top! It's pretty much supposed to snow up until Friday, and somehow, it's supposed to be 15C by Sunday, but I really have my doubts.
FreakyLady said:
Even though the sun is shining and there are no clouds, it's so cold outside :(
same here! in the sun it was so warm, but otherwise i was freezing. at least it didn't rain!
Today has been a lovely day - beautiful sunshine with little cloud around, and a wonderful orange sunset outside my window earlier on :)
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