Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

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Lovely day! Some clouds out there, but the sun is shining through it. I'll better go out now :)
:( This weather sucks! It's raining, raining, raining...It's so cloudy that I have to turn the lights on during the day. It's 11ºC.
there's only one word to describe this day: beautiful!!!
the sun was shining the whole day, it was warm (about 20°C) and i sat in the garden and even got some color!
cainesugar said:
Oh wow, not exactly weather but there was a big fire behind Universal Studios today, which is right near my school and house. :eek: Here's a pic I took at school. It seems to all be somewhat under conrtol now, but everyone was freaked out. :lol:
Looks like a volcano lol

We had a fire near here in the Riverside county on Saturday, and it looked like an atomic bomb went off. :lol:

Today the weather is nice. Not too hot, or too cold. :D
It was like, kinda snowing, but not super heavy. But it was still quite cold outside, I decided to go get a slushie and not wear a coat today, so it wasn't warm enough to leave in just a hoodie, so it's not too nice. But still better then yesterday.
yesterday was wonderfull over 18°C and sunny bit cloudy and so warm. The sundown i´ve no words for this :)
I was running really late this morning. So I didn't have time to check the weather, and I asked my mom how it was and she's like it's cold, so I grabbed my winter coat and it turns out it was probably 59F out. I looked ridicoulous[sp?]
It's supposed to be spring, right? Even in Canada? Then why do we still have snow??? There was an additional inch on my car this morning, it was raining at lunchtime, then snowing mid-afternoon, and it's about -5 C right now... And it's supposed to be that way for the next two weeks... Oh joy... :( Where do you all live so I can get warm someplace???
I'd love to get warm as well GGgirl!! I live in southern Alberta.. and it's snowing once again.. What a great way to start April. Lots of snow, at about -5c right now.
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