Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

yes, Goodman is in two episodes. Nevada Part I and II. It's a two part episode that will be continued next week.

what did everyone think of this week's episode? it may be my favorite yet. I think now the show is beginning to pick up and things will get better for them.
The Wrap Party is my favorite so far, but this is definately second. It's always good to see John Goodman. He played the very put out judge interrupted from his fishing to work on a state holiday very well. His interaction with Danny, Simon, Jack and Tom were very good. Harriet, I'm so glad nothing "bad" happened to her when those three guys confronted her. I got a bit scared in that scene. I read the synopsis for the eps the rest of this month and they look pretty good. Got my fingers crossed for a full season.
i read on a website, i'm not sure how credible, that Studio 60 was picked up for a full season but it hadn't been announced yet. hopefully, it'll be announced. and yes, the rest of the month looks good.
I agree with you softballgirl22. This has definately been the best episode so far. All episodes were recorded in a West Wing style, but this episode really gave me that West Wing feel. The show was definately at their A game. If they keep this, the show is gonna make it. I also just loved Goodman's appearance.
You're right CSI007WW, this episode gave me the West Wing feel and i liked that a lot. during the episode i was reminded of WW S1 when Sam and Toby went to spring Mendoza out of jail before his Supreme Court confirmation.

good times---in the past and hopefully ahead.
John Goodman was definately the highlight of last night's episode, and next week's looks like it'll be a good one, based on the preview.

I didn't care for Harriet's story, though it was cool to see a Vorta guest star as a gay fan.

Simon was like a broken record, and it annoyed me.
The joke about CSI: Miami was cool, lol.

I am also very glad they got a full season. The show is really growing on me, it would be a shame if they'd stop this soon.
I can't believe Amanda Peet didn't get nominated for an award. I think she's great in Studio 60.

The Jordan/Danny moments in the last episode were very sweet and funny. Personally I prefer this relationship over the Harriet/Matt one which is not very interesting to me.
Loved the new episode! Jack trying to speak Mandarin was hilarious. And I love Jordan. The fact she's not a people-person is very endearing.
Being in the UK we've haven't started this program yet, but yesterday I read in the paper that it's coming to the UK soon! *yay* Unfortunately it didn't provide a date, but hopefully it will be in the next month or so. I'm really looking forward to it. :D
Yeah I live in the UK too. What channel has bought it up? Have to say I'm quite surprised because I thought the show's future is still hanging in the balance?

Hope it does come over here maybe then someone in RL will actually know what I'm going on about.

Muzzy_Olorea said:
Loved the new episode! Jack trying to speak Mandarin was hilarious. And I love Jordan. The fact she's not a people-person is very endearing.

I love it to. I busted out laughing when Chang's daughter asked Jack to translate this to her father and pulled out his book. Jordan is my favorite next to Matt and Danny. I do not like the new vice president of alternative programming. Jordan so needs to put her in her place.
Muzzy_Olorea said:
Yeah I live in the UK too. What channel has bought it up? Have to say I'm quite surprised because I thought the show's future is still hanging in the balance?
I'm not sure actually, I read a news article about new shows coming in 2007 and this one was mentioned along with Hero's, but they failed to mention when or where. I'm sorry I can't be much help on that one.

I was also surprised when I read it for the same reason as you, I thought it was likely to be taken off air. I'm pleased to hear that they are still airing the show, as I really want to see it. :)
^I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it was coming to Channel 4 in 'early 2007'. *Yay!* I'm looking forward to it. :)