Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

i saw the show and was amazed by it, i thought it was very good, i thought i saw a shade of chandler in matthew perry's character, but maybe it's just beause i miss "friends" thought amanda peet delivery was kinda flat at times, but i've seen other things that she's done and think that she can take herself up a notch...nice to see steven weber back on tv
I caught the re-run of the pilot on Bravo at the weekend and was immediately hooked. I watched the second episode last night (partly because I lost the sound on CBS and couldn't watch Miami and more because I preferred S60!) The show is brilliantly written (natch since it's Sorkin) and Matt and Danny are wonderful characters (not to be confused with Mac and Danny!!!). I had no problem adjusting to Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford in these roles - completely different from anything else they've done and I have high hopes for the rest of the season.
This is a great show. I watch it on Sundays on CTV. I was happy to see Matthew Perry back on TV again. I loved him on Friends. Although I never watched the West Wing, I do think that Bradley Whitford is great on this show. I love the interaction between Matt and Danny. These guys are so hilarious. I hope this is one show that gets a chance to stick around for a while.
I seriously <3 this show!!! Sorkin is freaking brilliant. What did you think of the musical number on the last episode? My husband and I were almost falling off the sofa laughing!! Hope this series is a keeper...
I have to say that I love Studio 60. I agree that Danny is similar to Josh, but once the suit is off, I can get past that. And as someone said, Danny is much calmer than Josh, especially if we compare Danny to Season 7-Josh who was a wreck.

Mathew is brilliant also. Completely natural. I love his interaction with the character of Harriet and Danny.

Amanda Peet hasn't grown on me yet, but I guess there's still time.
Misery said:
Amanda Peet hasn't grown on me yet, but I guess there's still time.
^^She's gonna grow a lot as she's pregnant in real life...(aw,such a lame joke!).

I watched the 2 episodes and it looks a lot "the west wing" alike.

I also think Danny is much calmer than Josh,but don't ask me why,when I saw him on the screen I always wonder that Donna Moss appears there to cheer him up.

And Matthew Perry,didn't he have painkillers addiction problems in real life? It's kinda weird that his character takes vicodin too.
I've enjoyed the first couple of episodes, and will be tunin' in tonight for the third episode.

Bradley Whitford & Matthew Perry have some good chemistry together, and I can buy their friendship. Nice to see that the scenes they shared on The West Wing weren't a fluke.

Studio 60 reminds me more of Sports Night than The West Wing, for obvious reasons...I just hope it lasts longer than Sports Night did.
This show just gets better and better. Loved last night's eppy. Matt and Danny are two of the best new characters to hit the TV screen!
This show does seem to get better and better. I loved last nights episode. Whenever I watch it, I think of SNL and if that is how they run their show. :lol:

That one actor who played Tom Cruize, Ben Steler he was funny. I kept laughing at his skit. And when he played Nicholas Cage. :lol: That was funny.
Last episode was excellent! These show is growing on me! The characters are great; Danny and Matt are especially good! It hit me how it's a shame that Matthew Perry didn't guest-star more on WW. This Sorkin-type of writing fits him perfectly!

The actual "Studio 60 episode" was great also. The guy playing Tom Cruise and Nicholas Cage was awesome!!!

This show simpl flows...I mean, the time passed so fast while I was watching it. I can't wait for more!!!

Oh, I loved that autobiographic part too, where Danny defended the speed of Matt's writing (Sorking always turned his scripts late and he was always critisized because of that)

I thought it was pretty funny when he said he could do Ben Stiller, and since Ben Stiller can do Tom Cruise...

:rolleyes: :lol:

The power failures on the set seemed kinda dumb, but overall, the episode was alright.

It's Perry & Whitford that have me hooked on this show. And Steven Weber is pretty good, too.
This show has the potential to be great but I think it's going to take awhile to find its pace. In my opinion, the second and third episode have failed to live up to the standard of the Pilot - but still make some enjoyable viewing.

Love Matthew Perry so I'll keep watching whatever happens.