Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Most of the pics I have that show his hands clearly he's not wearing the ring. I did scrounge up 6 though.

theme pics:

ring 1
ring 2
ring 3
ring 4
ring 5
ring 6

If any are used - sorry. After spending at least 5 min per page just to get it loaded in photobucket I forgot all the pics that were already posted.

DUDE!!! It's Destiny's birthday today!!!!!! :D :D :D

Happy, happy birthday from all of us to you,
We wish it was our birthday,
so we could party too! :lol: :lol:

I hope you had a great day! ;)
I remember you LaRoseNoir! Glad to see you're back and that Luna is doing well.

Happy Birthday Destiny!

Jacquie, I noticed you shortened your username, now you're just Jacquie for real. But, good to see you're located at your old name :lol: ;)

Here are some ring pictures, sorry if they've already been posted, and congrats miko!
Ring 1
Ring 2
Ring 3 This may be a stretch, but I think you can see it.
Ring 4
Ring 5
Ring 6

I thought I had some better ones than these, but photobucket is being very slow, so I'll go with these first six I found.
Aww thats sweet of you guys and umm I was born on the 15th while its that in other countries in Ohio lol its still the 14th. But its the thought that counts, and I would be remise if I didn't remind you that there is a birthday thread in MISC. But its the thought that counts and again I thank you. :D

OH and Nice try on the hose thing. :lol:
LaRoseNoir I certainly didn't mean to ignore you last night. A big welcome back to the ward and you were missed. All Nick's fans are missed when life gets in the way :)

Yes Destiny we're aware of the misc thread but what better way to celebrate your birthday but here in the ward. We get to post pics and sing at the same time. Ready one two go

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Destiny,
Happy Birthday to you.

I hope you have a wonderful Nick day and I hope we're not to bad for you today :D
Yeah Yeah... Welcome back Rose! I've been out for a while as well, but hopefully I'll be able to participate in a theme soon!

And Jacquie, what did your name used to be, it's bugging the snot out of me that I can't remember! :lol:
Well at least some of you noticed my name change. I decided to drop the last name and make it easier for everyone here by just going with Jacquie. Just because I dropped the last name doesn't mean I dropped the hubby though. :) Off to the store for the day so have a fun nick filled day everyone
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