Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Jacquie said:
Geez don't you ladies have anything better to do than hang around the ward and post pics? I thank you very much for giving my eyes something georgeous to look at :)

I have plenty of other things I need to do but none of them are better than hanging around the ward and posting pictures. :lol:
Jacquie it's either post pics or fight with Christopher over homework that he refuses to do because he forgot to write it down. That fight lasted until 7 at night. I'd prefer to post the pics - it's a lot more enjoyable.

anne and OnlyTruth I'm so thankful that you are addicted to George/Nick and that you had nothing better to do than post pics. While waiting on new CSI for my Nick fix there is nothing better to do than hang around the ward and looking at the georgeous eye candy you have posted. I hope I'm not rambling to much as I woke up this morning with a nasty headache. I hope once it goes away I can finish off my theme pics

blackflag when I hear you tell us stories of your neice and nephew you certainly sound like an unsung hero for looking after them. :)
you girls are funny :lol:

I love having a place filled with just as many George Eads fans (who are crazy... but not to crazy) like me :D

I really hope GE knows of us, and realizes he's got very good fans who love him.

and all the glove pics are love!!! :D
man, i could have used some latex pants today! i was doing my volunteer dog walking and when i went to get bob out of his pen he was so excited to go out he peed everywhere and sprayed my jeans! :( i hope george has taught maverick better manners than that :lol:

well, onto the task at hand. hehe, hand, gloves, get it? of course you do :p
runners up!
anne ive always loved the black gloves. plus the harness, and the jeans, and erm, uh, yes....
Babs another one that helps ispire naughty thoughts :devil:
wlk68 this time i think its nicky who has the naughty thoughts :D
OnlyTruth always nice to see the inspiration pic pop up. plus i dont think this one would be as funny without the gloves

now this one was a neck and neck race between submissions from two lovely ladies. snaps to blackflag for this one that is so stunning and i love everything about it!
but one pic squeaked ahead, and who is it you may ask? miko!!! i really like the angle and lighting of the shot, and the fact that the gloved hands are the star of the show it was perfect for a gloved theme :D
I know I'm a little :D late for the gloves-theme, thanks to working and having no access to my private computer during daytime...
But I just can't resist, I have to show you this glovely georgeousness :D

congrats on winning miko. You now get to chose what the next theme will be.

nicksarafan2 thanks for the video clip. It didn't run the best on my computer but I got enough of it to see they did have a good time. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting.
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