Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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It looks like miko is not aware that she was suppose to pick a new theme. Do we want to wait until tomorrow or do we want to go with the runner up?
Maybe we should PM her first to make sure she knows. Besides if we're going with a runner-up, how do we decide which one?
I like the idea of sending her a pm. If we did use a runner up it is usually the person who names shows up right before the winner's. Since I have raised the issue I will pm miko so if she logs on in the morning she will see she needs to pick a theme. We should let allmaple have a say in this as to how long she wants to wait since it was her theme.

eta I have sent miko a pm
i think miko got too excited and forgot to pick a new theme for us :lol: well she does live in france and is hopefully fast asleep right now so she should be here tomorrow :D
i just came from my first band rehersal of the year and havent played my horn since april so my mouth feels like this. then i broke the string on my trigger key so i felt like this. now if only i could get a little of this from nicky id be good as new!
hey gals...I have returned after a long break from this site. I missed you all. Work and school kept me very busy for the past few months. Luna is now quite huge and is tearing apart my room. :lol:

I've been reading some of the earlier pages, I can never get tired of GE, it seems. And the Grave Danger Promo clip was hilarious.

See you all soon. ;)

Just delete the "%20" part... that's the code the net uses for spaces :p

OK, normally that works....but even after doing that and deleting the "!!!" I get "Webpage not found" :S
oops :)
sorry for the delay but yes, ALLMAPLE is right, i live in France and when it's day over there it's night here :) sorry i only went sleeping and after get up early to go working... all my apologies really... but thanks you very much for having waiting on me, thanks

well, i don't know if this theme was really used (if so excuse me again) = you're going to say i'm a bit fetichist but i liked the gloves theme because i like his hands and his rings so..

new theme = any pics with his rings on his lovely fingers :D
Nick in rings hu... I don't have to many of those, so you girls just go crazy, I'll sit back and drool :D

love my Nicky!!

PS: don't be alarmed by the fact that AC is my new icon, I still love my George, I just have to give my other boy toy some love :D
Congrats on winning, Miko !

Nick with ring. Not easy *searches Photobucket*

Yay, I found one...
Ring 1
And that was the only one. I'm sure I have tons of pix, but I confess I'm too tired to search and upload them...
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