Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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ill get to the hat in a while (i saw kiss kiss bye bye yesturday too and loved the hat!) i just found this and wanted to share it!
i dont know about you but i sure am tired of billy and marg being in the front and centre of every single photo shoot and everyone else smushed to the side. so you can imagine my surprise when i saw george in front! the french know whos really the star of the show! ;)
speaking of kiss kiss bye bye, dont you just love the quilted jacket he wears in it? i think its the same one in gum drops. its just so fitted and yummy and snuggle worthy. sorry, i carry on about clothes a lot :lol:
AHHH! Maple you should warn us about the size of it. I failed my French class in high school so I have no idea what it says, but I could stare at the pic for a while.

Would you believe Christopher is only in 3rd grade and has it down pat on trying to get out of school? He's been complaining of coming down with something since school started last Tuesday.

Theme pics - If any are already used just give a yell.

#1 hat
#2 hat & little stoker
#3 backwards hat
#4 hat
#5 backwards hat
#6 hat


Just realized that I have one from each season up there.
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
Since today is the day most children go back to school it's now time to treat the parents, aunts, and other cargivers for surviving the summer

checking to make sure they have all gone to school
grinning ear to ear
make sure you have plenty of this available
because you never know who'll stop by
then you can have lunch with a friend
and say Yes I get to visit the ward more often :)

Thanks Jacquie -- that's what I like to see on the first day of school. :) :devil:

Now that the computer is mine, all mine, I gotta see if I can rustle me up some theme pics.
allmaple said:
ill get to the hat in a while (i saw kiss kiss bye bye yesturday too and loved the hat!) i just found this and wanted to share it!
i dont know about you but i sure am tired of billy and marg being in the front and centre of every single photo shoot and everyone else smushed to the side. so you can imagine my surprise when i saw george in front! the french know whos really the star of the show! ;)
speaking of kiss kiss bye bye, dont you just love the quilted jacket he wears in it? i think its the same one in gum drops. its just so fitted and yummy and snuggle worthy. sorry, i carry on about clothes a lot :lol:

Very nice find maple! I like seeing him in the front for once, and I like that picture too, it's an old one isn't it?

I also liked that jacket from KKBB and Gum Drops, looks very snuggly. :) I think it's much better than this one from Time of your Death; I didn't really like that one.
km444 said:
allmaple said:
ill get to the hat in a while (i saw kiss kiss bye bye yesturday too and loved the hat!) i just found this and wanted to share it!
i dont know about you but i sure am tired of billy and marg being in the front and centre of every single photo shoot and everyone else smushed to the side. so you can imagine my surprise when i saw george in front! the french know whos really the star of the show! ;)

Very nice find maple! I like seeing him in the front for once, and I like that picture too, it's an old one isn't it?

I think the reason that he's front and center here is because it looks to me like the pic was photoshopped from 3 separate pictures (I mean, I don't think they posed like that). So, obviously, a GE fan prepared that mag cover :)
i think it was a promo shot for season 2 or 3. i havent had french in 4 years so im not sure what it says either :lol: but it is a really nice leather jacket. there have been very few misses in the wardrobe department for nick on the show.
its funny, because yesturday while i was doing my cleaning i was wearing my nick stokes csi hat! although mom didnt like my joke about being able to find bodily fluids.... im a little bit of a pill in case you havent noticed :lol:
hat in profile
anyone want a ride?
a smile that could melt the ice caps
going for an artsy look
my try at the back lit look
sweaty hat

OnlyTruth said:

I think the reason that he's front and center here is because it looks to me like the pic was photoshopped from 3 separate pictures (I mean, I don't think they posed like that). So, obviously, a GE fan prepared that mag cover :)
especially since it was a foreign magazine they probably just used stock photos instead of having their own shoot. those were the ones where they each take promo shoots each season so someone just put them together. but its nice that whoever did it put george in front :)
lucky Jacquie has nicky for the night :p i had a new dental hygenist today and she scratched the heck out of my teeth. my teeth have never hurt like this before! ill get nick to take care of them tomorrow :devil:
if pixie would get off my tummy it would make typing a whole lot easier :lol:
yummy hat
yummy jacket
yummy man! eta: i just realized looking at this again, he has a popped collar! ack! nicky please, put it down! :lol:
um, nick? sofias eyes are about a foot north of where youre looking :p
he looks like such a scared little puppy! group hug everyone!
pensive hat

i have been so bored since my contract hours with the hospital ended and theres still a week til school starts that im actually tackling my photobucket and organizing it. so dont be surprised if all my old picture links are broken over the next day or so!
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