Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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:eek: maple your avvie is gorgeous, I love it! I'm stuck here at work while I could be at home watching the CSI marathon on Spike. All these lovely Nick pics are making me happy!
molly what are you doing working today? :p i told mom i wouldnt help clean til after gum drops :lol: i was definately in my jammies watching csi til 2pm! but how anyone can watch that episode and not fall in love with nick is beyond me. well, i guess its beyond me if they werent already in love with him in the first place :lol:
anyhoo, keep the pics coming! ill need some relief in a while, ive been assigned the bathrooms :(
allmaple said:
molly ill need some relief in a while, ive been assigned the bathrooms :(

I feel your pain. Cleaning the bathroom is the household chore I hate the most. Hair in the drain makes me gag.

When Grissom pulls that wad of hair out of the drain in the episode Compulsion, I have to look away.
maple I had to work today because there was no one else that could do it. It's not so bad, I'm getting regular pay on top of holiday pay. I forgot to mention before that I did get to see 10 mins of Room Service this morning while I was getting ready for work. There is nothing like a little room service stoker to get the day going. :D
oh wlk, i have a horror story for you! my roommate in guelph and i both have long hair, so the sink got really clogged. i had to get my gloves, tweezers, and forceps from my school disection kit to pull out this massive wad of hair. it was gross.
well, now that i shared that allow me to share something else! as usual for me, i had a double winner. and it always seems to be the same girlie that makes it impossible for me to choose! :lol: honourable mentions first:

blackflag ive expressed my adoration of this particular scene so this is no surprise ;)
Jacquie he looks good in blue clothes and blue light! (liked the chest shot too, of course :p)

Babs i know i wanted his face illuminated, but i really liked the top of his head being lit up! plus i never realized how many little grey hairs he has, theyre so cute! :)
anne_wolfe hes just glowing all over, love it!

but who, for the third time i think, made it so difficult for me to choose? km444 of course! perfectly what i was looking for and both so beautiful.
now if youll excuse me im tired and need to take nicky to bed :D
aw I missed the back lit Nick theme... oh well on to the next one :D

and I watched 'Dog Eat Dog' today, and he looked cute with that stach, I liked his 'Grrrr' lip, cutie pie!!!

I plan on changing my avi before the new season, it will of course have my George on it and Anderson... I love these two men :D
melbel said:
this pic gave me an idea for a story. well part of a story.

Wheres Nick's Hand

Please be thoughtful of us who are going spoiler free this year.

Since today is the day most children go back to school it's now time to treat the parents, aunts, and other cargivers for surviving the summer

checking to make sure they have all gone to school
grinning ear to ear
make sure you have plenty of this available
because you never know who'll stop by
then you can have lunch with a friend
and say Yes I get to visit the ward more often :)

km444 congrats on winning the theme
Thanks maple! Sorry for making it a difficult choice again. ;)

I was watching Kiss Kiss Bye Bye last night, and it's not really a favorite episode of mine, but I was thinking that Nick looked really cute in the beginning with his hat on. So, for the new theme, I know it's been done before, but let's do Nick in a hat.

You can do 12 each. I have a big test tomorrow morning, so I won't be able to pick the winner until the afternoon (eastern time). So, that will be a few hours more than 24 hours from now. Have fun!
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