Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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You made this a lot harder on me than I was expecting it to be. If I could have 20 winners I would of, but I thought that you all would fight over who did the next theme.

So here's what I widdled it down to:

Elsie Nice and up-close.
Jacquie Almost fell asleep while watching this last night. Did you ever notice he's got brown workboots on instead of the usual black?
Jacquie again Who didn't laugh at this scene?
OnlyTruth I think that the jeans in this pic put dirty thoughts in my mind.
km444 He even looks good hard at work.

And the winner is:

km444 The black shirts, the jeans, the desert background. I just like this pic, don't really know why. :lol:


forgot --- Happy Birthday nicksarafan2 .
so i was wrong about being able to leave the quarentine box today :( anne do you have cards or something so we can entertain ourselves? :lol: i actually had to run out of lecture today because i had such a huge coughing fit that tears were streaming down my face, it was a bit ackward...

on a happier note, happy birthday nicksarafan2!! ive got about 6 months til im 21 so youll have to let me know how it goes :p i brought you a little something to satisfy your snicker cravings ;) warning to any dial-up users: giant does not even begin to describe the size of these pictures, they are massive! procede at your own risk! put down an extra towel or something too to get the extra drool

looks like he likes peach flavoured gum :lol:
big hug!!
and just a few for fun, still huge though :)
smile!! bigger than life sized! :eek:
attack of the giant broze suit!!!
Thanks blackflag! That's actually the first picture ever in my photobucket, but I don't think I've posted it much. I do like it though.

I love those giant pictures maple! I especially enjoy the closeup views of his hair. So, speaking of hair, I was thinking of doing a hair-related theme. I'd like to see pictures of Nick/GE/any other character with sideburns. I'm not sure that I like that style the best, but I do like it, and I was having trouble thinking of something else. You can do 12 each, and I'll pick a winner in about 24 hours. Have fun! :)
Maple, I have cards with men on them who have beautiful bodies and are in positions where you can see most of the fore mentioned bodies. (I'm trying to keep it PG for the young ones. Also, so I don't get into trouble with Destiny.)
I think we'll enjoy playing many, many card games. :devil:

Congratz, km444.

Sideburns 1
Sideburns 2
Sideburns 3
Sideburns 4
anne i think well be able to entertain ourselves for a long time with that deck of cards :devil: i had to leave a talk once again because i had a 10 minute coughing fit. people look at you funny when you run out of a room with your hands over your face, tears coming out of your eyes, and stuff coming out of you nose. i wonder why.... :lol:

the thing with the sideburns is, they either looked really, really good or made his face a funny shape. weird how two strips of hair can change your face dramatically. i guess the same can be said of eyebrows too.

perfect side burns
no face morphing issues here :D
allo, zees iz jean chretien sorry, i cant resist :lol:
deep in thought contemplating his next hair care choice
ill do anything you want nicky if you keep looking at me like that!!
little bity burners even if these are too short to count, i still think this pic is devine

oh yay i feel another coughing fit coming on! its been about half an hour so its about time!
I just wanted to add a be-lated

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY nicksarafan2!!!

I hope you had a GREAT day! :D
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