Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Oh well, you poor things inside the box! *puts on a mask and gloves, sneaks in and hangs up some lifesized Nicky-pin ups* Hope that'll help to get better. At least the hormones are bouncing :devil:

And congratz on winning, blackflag
Black gloves...interesting theme choice. I wonder if I have some pics in my photobucket
*checks out*
Yepp! One, at least. Beware, it's huge!
You can hardly see them, but they're there
Just one black glove....
I can't believe I found another pic

Well, that's all I could find :)
Sleep tight, you all, and have a nice start into the week.
And get well soon, you guys inside the box
Jacquie said:

something for us all to smile about they've shown this the last 2 weeks and I still find I catch my breathe at the site of it

is it bad that last thursday i was going to go transfer my laundry over but the splash ad came on so i had to sit down and watch it? :lol: of course not...
its weird, i never noticed the black gloves til season 6, and now when i watch old repeats from seasons past i see them and think 'oh, he had those gloves back then?' almost dinner time and i need to pack up for the train, so ill see if i can find some when i get back to guelph ;)
hopefully by tomorrow i can come out of the box, i only have a couging fit every half hour now! :D
Anne I was wondering how long it would be before someone came up with that one.

Jacquie Victoria is hopefully going as a leopard (she's always either an animal or a Pokemon character). Christopher is going to be a ninja again (unless he keeps acting like a clown - then he will be a clown!) they had next to nothing in patterns that an 8yr old boy would like.
I always make them because it's cheeper and sometimes we can even manage to get 2 years out of them.

I first noticed the black gloves around season 5. They mostly seem to be worn when they're doing something that can tear through the latex gloves. (if anyone needs a hint on where to find some pics!) Don't know if any of you have ever worn latex gloves but I have and my hands sweat uncontrolably in the things.

I noticed the black gloves in season 6 but I'm amazed how many pics I have of Nick wearing them.

one for the road

Must go make the yorkshire pudding and take the roast out of the oven.
I can't believe all the sickness in the ward. I was sick too, and came back on today and found out that others were sick too. I can join you in the sick room, but I think I will be leaving shortly, thankfully. I just have a cold, but it is annoying! I hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Congrats on the theme and good choice blackflag! I also didn't really notice the black gloves until season 5 and 6, but now I see that he did have them earlier. I guess I also started paying more attention to Nick specifically during season 5 and 6, so that makes sense.

Here's what I have:
Black gloves from behind
Black gloves with a funny face
Black gloves at work
Black gloves in the desert
Black gloves with a purse
Black gloves shoveling
Happy Birthday nicksarafan2!

Here are a few more black gloves:
Black Gloves 7
Black Gloves 8
Black Gloves 9
Black Gloves 10
Black Gloves 11
Black Gloves 12
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