Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Elsie said:
Blackflag He is looking good, toned arms, black tshirt... just remember to be careful Nicky.

Congrats Blackflag! I remember picking that very picture as the winner in a theme waaaaayyy back. Hey, I think you were the winner then too! :D
Hey, ladies! I know I claimed withdrawal and then wasn't around. I was really busy with work and school but now...I'm sick. I've had a stomach virus for the past two days! God, am I miserible. I've been logged in, looking around. However, I haven't felt like searching for pics. I think it's getting better because now I don't feel like I'm dying anymore. (I know you can't die from a stomach virus, I'm just a wimp.) Hopefully, when blackflag announces the new challenge, I'll be able to play. Though, I still think I need some time with Nicky and / or Greg to make me 100%. :D
Hi girls!!

I loove Nick, he wasn't in the episode that much on Thrursday, but when he was, he looked hot!!

and poor maple I'm sorry, get better :)... I hate being sick, and I hate when others are too :(

and it's been a long week, and I had a good day today, lots of fun, i'll try to post in the theme that Blackflag chooses.

piece out!
Hmm well it wasn't me that gave anyone the stomach flu, I had it about a week after my birthday lol. But I can say that for me it wasn't that bad and I have stomach problems normally, it lasted about 7, but it took all 10 days to fully get over it.

*Makes a quarentine area with windows* All those who are sick please step into the box you may be only that close to Nick, until you are well again. :)
ugh. It's about the time of year when the flu/stomach flu will be prevalent. I've avoided it the past two years, but still keeping my fingers crossed.

And, I wanted to say that those pants (jeans) Nicky was wearing in Built to Kill II fit him incredibly well. There weren't very many shots in which you could see, but if you watch carefully you'll catch it. So hott. :p
oh la la those are super sexy jeans! :D lovely avvie and banner SamStokes :)
hey Destiny, have you had your hose water tested for bacteria content recently? :p

*sits inside quarentine box waiting for new theme* :lol:
Sorry for my silence but I'm way too busy to come and play picture game like before. Let me just say it's always a pleasure to read all of you and see those pictures of our boy Nicky.

Get well soon Maple
*joins maple inside the box*

Destiny, I have another 5 to 8 days of this!?! *groans* I think the reason I feel so horrible is, becuase like maple, I haven't been sick in years. I hate being sick - it really, really sucks.

Maple, since we're not allowed around Nick until we're better how about we load up on medicine, grab some Gatoraide and tissues, and spend the day watching Nicky episodes with maybe a little Greg thrown in? Sound good?
Maple, The hose has an anti-bacterial filter in it, so when water or what ever is dispatched from it, its been sanitized. ;)

Anne, sorry but possibly, most the time stomach flu last 7-10 days from the time you notice the symptoms, there is a thought that you normally have it several days before in which you are really contagious to others. The rest while you are contagious you know about it, and do what you can to cut it down. Stomach virus's are no different then the regular flu in regards to the time frame.

With some it lasts 5 to 7 days, with others its 7-10 days, usually the 10th day really insures that you are over it. There will be days when you are like "Hey I must be getting better" and then you start doing things that taxes your body and then your like "Crap thought I was getting better" thing is you were getting better with the rest but when you started to resume it took all the energy you built up and depleated it.

This is what worked for me, eat in small portions, soup is good for you but also so is small light solid food, through the day, nausa try dry toast or saltines, drink plenty of water, gatoraide, poweraide, orange juice, vitamins, ect. While rest is good, try to exercise some for about 15-30 mins aday to keep the blood flowing and build energy, then rest some more, try to get fresh air by opening a window that isn't directly on you.

By Day 8 it felt like it was pretty much gone, and by day 10 I was pretty much back to normal. I recommend also using something like "Oust" its an air sanitizer to get rid of air born bacteria, and lysol for the rest, it will keep it from returning, along with opening the windows for a good airing. Otherwise you run the risk of recycling it and re-getting it again. :)

By the way the Chamber is all purified and magically creates healing so that you all can get back to Nick Mania.
Thanks Destiny for setting up a sick room. I hope everyone is better soon. I for one very rarely get sick, knock on head-closes thing to wood. Every year for the last 6 or 7 I get my annual flu shot. I know the shot does nothing to prevent colds but I rarely get those as well. I also find working with the public on a day to day bases helps.

So for everyone that is sick or has been sick sit back and enjoy some Nicky while we wait for blackflag and her theme

a classic to make you feel better
something that's little and furry can also be soft :D
something for us all to smile about they've shown this the last 2 weeks and I still find I catch my breathe at the site of it
just something a little on the yummy side
not happy his fans are sick
shorty's concerned as well
Thanks for the info, Destiny. If only real life worked like the magical box. And thanks, Jacquie for the pics.

While we're waiting for blackflag, I think I'll have a little nap. Later!
Babs all I can say with that pic is :D

Sorry for all those who are sick. Had some sort of stomach bug back when they were pulling the fresh bagged spinach off the shelves. The only reason I was sure that I didn't have the e-coli poisoning (despite the same symptoms) was that I have never had spinach in my life.

Lets see - new theme.

How about Nick with the black gloves. They can be on, putting on, or taking off, it doesn't matter. NO latex gloves just the black ones. Limit of 12. I'll pick the winner around this time (or a little later) tomarrow. I've got to get to work on a couple of Halloween costumes if they're to go out this year and it's obviously going to limit my computer time to do it. I may be able to multi-task but we're talking different floors of the house, not just different rooms.

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