Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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softcake_70 said:
I can't help myself, miko in your No.4 pic he looks like someone should grab him and tuck his shirt in :D
:lol: No problem Softcake I will do it with pleasure :devil:
softcake_70 said:
I can't help myself, miko in your No.4 pic he looks like someone should grab him and tuck his shirt in :D

ive always thought he looked like a little boy getting ready for the first day of school in that pic :lol:
i need to ask you ladies to do me a favour, and i know its going to be very difficult for all of you. i need to you keep nicky away from me! i havent been sick in years and i have a horrible, horrible cold right now :( i wouldnt want to infect our dear boy so take care of him for me will ya?
allmaple said:
softcake_70 said:
I can't help myself, miko in your No.4 pic he looks like someone should grab him and tuck his shirt in :D

ive always thought he looked like a little boy getting ready for the first day of school in that pic :lol:
i need to ask you ladies to do me a favour, and i know its going to be very difficult for all of you. i need to you keep nicky away from me! i havent been sick in years and i have a horrible, horrible cold right now :( i wouldnt want to infect our dear boy so take care of him for me will ya?

Firstable. Get well soon allmaple.

And no problem is Holland far enough? He can stay here for a very long long time iff you like . I take very good care off him don't worry about that :devil: :D
Oh,No! Feel better!

And, no problem! I'll volunteer to take Nicky with me to a Gaelic Storm concert on 34th street in NYC tonight. Let him show off his southern white boy moves to the rockin' Irish music.

On a side note...because of what happened to Catherine in the last two epis, I am going to be EXTRA cautious of any drink I have tonight. Sheesh...that's just too scary.
i can bring Nick to school with me, im sure he'll enjoy, allmaple ... :devil:
and then we'll go to cinema and watch POTC2 and then i'll be able to see his arms and his cheast and all the beautiful parts of his beautiful body...

*life is a nice dream*

Get well soon, Maple! I know how you must feel, poor thing. When I have a cold - which happens once a year - I'm completely down with fever and nasty stuff in my sinuses (sp?) and coughing my lungs out.
I have to go with Babs - he should go to the Netherlands for a couple of days and then he can do some borderhopping over to Germany and visit me :D And then I'll check out if he's dressed neatly ;)
MAPLE = i know what "ill" means so... get well, go to bed, have great Nicky dreams and be back in good health :)

babs softcake well Neherlands - Germany and just after a little ride to France.... ok ok i know he already came in France last year with Monica but i think having a drink with Miko will do it too :devil:

yep, that was definitely me this morning :( but i was stupid and still went to the homecoming game in the cold rain, so i will be hurting tomorrow. at least im at home for the weekend so momma can take care of me :D
are we still on tshirts? im lazy and havent looked so if these are repeats just enjoy the view:
nice arm shot
what a lovely chest shot sorry, he is wearing a shirt over that chest :p
speaking of arms... what is it about the veins?!?!
hugs him in all the right places :devil:
im part of the minority that like this tshirt look at it! it couldnt be tighter if it tried! :lol:
one of my personal favourtie tees

now if youll excuse me, i need to go medicate myself before i cough up a lung :(
I'd feel sorry for you maple but the whole house is suffering from allergies. Neither kid will take anything for it. Victoria refuses to take pills and Christopher refuses to take anything unless its the 'pink stuff'.

Ok, finally made it here to pick a winner for the arm porn theme (sorry for the delay). It was obviously a tough choice, so I have 3 runners up:
OnlyTruth Naturally...
Jacquie Looking fine
Softcake This is more than arm porn. If I were to die tonight...

And my winner is:
Blackflag He is looking good, toned arms, black tshirt... just remember to be careful Nicky. :(

Congrats Blackflag , enjoy your theme :)

Off to bed for me, all of you feeling sick, hope you feel well again soon.
allmaple, since you're sick I was going to suggest you take 2 Nickys and call me in the morning :D but since you are so generous and don't want Nick to get sick I will gladly protect him here in Markham, we're far enough away from London. I can't say for certain you'll get him though :) Get better soon. Just a little something to make you smile and feel better.

Congrats on winning blackflag
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