Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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I love the buzzed look, any look is great on George!
I love the style near the end of season 4 and half way through season 5 and now again in season 7 yay, I loved the longer hair to, my mum just said it was because he was losing his hair, and i just thought, if he was losing it he would shave it off, darn, he has, looks like i will have this convo again.
I, like alot of you, are having Nick pic withdrawal. :D

Here we are after one episode of season 7 and we are discussing hair, again. George can pull off any hair length although I'm partially to the buzz or the short . I was not fond of the sideburns . I like my men clean on the side. I do like the dreaded 'stache and this was pretty hot as well. Mind you I think this style is the best :lol:
blackflag said:
Do we discuss anything more often than his hair?

dont forget the lil stoker! :D and he had some pants issues last season... :devil: alright, alright, ill behave myself! did anyone notice the tongue pop out last week? i know it made an appearance in the promo stills but i dont know if it was actually in the episode. the little guy was popping out every 5 seconds on the late late show though :D too bad the quality of the video online is very poor, its not worth it to try and cap it.
anyhoos, heres a trip down stoker memory lane, i have no clue what the episodes were so just enjoy :D
look bobby! i can touch my nose!
being coy
i wonder if that thing has temperature sensors on it...
with some lovely flexed neck muscles
just plain cute
cool stoker well its probably very hot in the desert, but you know what i mean

now id better get walking over to the grocery store, otherwise ill have nothing to eat tonight! :lol: anybody want me to pick them up something? :p
Jacquie said:
Now must get going or I will be late taking a cat to the vets.

Looking at all the pics makes me officially crazy. I just read that sentence, Jacquie and I thought "oh my, she wants to put a cat in a vest?" :D Talking about vest!porn ;)

Well, as I noticed you can have fun without a theme as well. And because NSF2 didn't show up, I think the new theme should be in miko's hands as she was the first runner-up and doesn't have to go to hospital..
So, miko have fun picking a new theme! :D
Jacquie said:
We briefly

you saucey minx! :p you sure do have a way with words :lol: although, maybe my mind is just a little dirtier as that was not the pants issue i was referring too :lol: i meant when a few ladies noticed how well he filled out his jeans in certain areas... :p
softcake_70 = thanx :D ha ha i must stay in good health if i want to pick up a winner :lol: it would be a good reason to fight against the disease in reality...Coooooooool ;)

it's hard choosing a new theme in reality but reading the last posts (maple + jacquie + softcake = "nasty" girls with "bad" ideas about George anatomy :lol: :lol:) i have this very weird idea.

i know... it's going to hurt us a bit but well...

NEW THEME = George/Nick with a girl (or girls) on a pic

No pic of public events with the csi team - it would be too easy :devil: but pics of episodes with Cath/sara are welcome

Sorry, I must not of been thinking correctly. We do discuss everyting to an unhealthy obsession.

Maple here's two pics of the little stoker from last Thursday just for you.


Wasn't sure that the post actually went through. Surprised that it did. My computer is extremely slow on talkcsi right not.
Bless all your little hearts! You make my day, I swear! People ask me at work what I'm smiling so broadly about and why I'm giggling so much...if they only knew it was cuz of all y'all!
aw, so happy we could help McStokes! i know i love having a place where i can just come and be silly and its appreciated by other people as silly as me :D
congrats on the super hot avvie softcake! nice choice! and i have no idea what im talking about either... *shifty eyes* i dont pay attention to his prominent man areas... ack! i mean...

ps: thanks blackflag for finding the tongue in last weeks episode! i knew it had to be there!
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