Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Thanks miko. I've got the tape for the late late show and watched it after CSI on Thursday night. As to your request I wouldn't even know where to look for a transcript. If there is something from the show we can help you understand ask away.

eta I found a link on csifiles front page for the early show. I knew I had seen it some where. The interview was good. Not enough George but is there every enough George. :lol:
Jacquie said:
Not enough George but is there every enough George. :lol:

No, never :D Maybe it's good for us that he put on a little weight, so we all get our fair share of him :devil:

Looking at stern Nicky freaked me a little. Is Destiny around? ;) I was just about to volunteer getting certain body parts... *coughs* :devil:

Anyway, welcome to all the lurkers who decided to join us in the Ward. Take a seat and feel comfortable! :)
*Words appear on screen* I am where I need to be, though you may not see me, never think I am gone, you never know where I am lurking from. *suddenly it quiet* :)
were always good D :D sometimes were just right at the edge... :p
oh ladies, Erica has outdone herself with caps this year, they are so big and clear! i hope theyre like this all season long :)
i just really like this shot :D
having a good think
was i the only one who thought nick with a purse was funny? yes? ok nevermind then...
even cath cant resist the white shirt
it sure does fit like a glove can someone say yum yum? oh look, i just did :lol:
big smiles for now well at least nick still had big smiles later that night
allmaple said:
was i the only one who thought nick with a purse was funny? yes? ok nevermind then...
it sure does fit like a glove can someone say yum yum? oh look, i just did :lol:

I know purses are getting smaller but couldn't they have given Nick something bigger that would have looked not so ridiculous in a man's hand.

the second pic looks like Sofia is agreeing with you on the yum yum. :lol:

Oh nicksarafan2 where are you with our new theme?

George can't figure out where she is
Nick is checking for fingerprints
shorty's checking the neighbourghood
Nick #2 ,but the first one, is checking for messages
adam is checking out Montreal Yes that's where nick lives :)
Evel's looking in the closet

eta I forgot to say I agree with you allmaple on the caps that Erica did. They are georgeous
I just wanted to sneak in again and THANK YOU ALL for the welcomes...again I am just amazed at how everyone is so nice here!

It really got to me to see how horrible other so called "fans" were on other boards...

And Thank You km444 for the info!

You might have guessed...I am a sucker for Nick in the vest! I loved seeing how many others shared my vest love! ;)

I am going to try to learn how to share pictures...but if I can't I just again wanted to THANK those of you who share! :)
oh man this is a great theard :) I'm a newbie here and been trying to check out all the different topics.
I'm glad there are other droolers :D
My CSI Picture folder is getting pretty full on my computer :lol:
I am also still learning the ropes with sharing pictures, but just for you Azzie,

Why Thank You Elsie ! :D

You are doing a GREAT job with your pictures by the way.

I have a question for the "vets" of this thread...I wanted to make sure I have this right...I can't post a picture in one of my posts yet because I don't have enough...but if I get a photobucket account would that mean I could post links to certain pictures there and then join in on the themes and such?

You all make it look like so much fun, and my friend that introduced me to this board has been encouraging me to join in more.

Thanks yet again, and sorry for having to ask so many questions.
I just sent Nicksarafan2 a private message and informed her that she won my eyebrow-theme. And that we can't wait to play the new theme :D
I suggest I'll check back later again, in about 6 - 8 hours, and if NSF2 hasn't shown up then, I'll pick another one of you for the new theme. Is that alright with you ladies? :D
ok miss

er... i know i was in the runners-up but... don't actually choose me because there is 1 chance on 2 that i have to go to the hospital this week because of my disease so..

it would be funny you choose someone who won't be there to replace someone who is not there, hah ah

er... suddenly i wonder if i'm clear ?? ha ha
azzie if I understand the rules of the board correctly you can post pics before you get to 100 using the url link from the message page. I hope this makes sense. :) You can't use an avatar or the image link until you get 100 posts.

Now that I have selected my wardrobe for the day, I need to go get this ready. While that is doing it's thing I'll pack up this for later :devil:. Then these guys will want their food. And lastly I get to sit down to eat.
nicksarafan2 is a night time visitor (at least on north american time :lol: ) im sure shell be in tonight, needs a daily dose of nicky! i think we all just have so much fun with the game we get too eager, but hey, its nick, we cant help ourselves!

ps, welcome to all the newbies i missed while i was away for the weekend :D once i get home from school ill do some baking so we can have a proper welcoming party ;) oh yeah school, i should probably get out of the library and go to class...
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