Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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of course she isn't 'the one', she was just a one time deel, we will never here from her again.

and I'm brunett, brown eyes, light cocoa skin, and I'm 5'9" think he'd want me?

any way he's a cutie pie, love him!
McStokes said:
Ohh...please don't hate me for this but, NOOOOOO! I don't think she's the one! What's with the blondes??? He needs a nice redhead...I will gladly volunteer!

Personally, I think she was a little too forward, and is kinda plain looking! (Let the flames begin!)
:D No, no blonds are just great for Nick. I will volunteer with pleasur :devil:
I think you'd all rather volunteer for the position of "girlfriend" wouldn't you? I think the aggressive blonde was just a one-nighter. And more power to the guy- at least he's getting some! :lol:
BabaOReilly said:
I think you'd all rather volunteer for the position of "girlfriend" wouldn't you? I think the aggressive blonde was just a one-nighter. And more power to the guy- at least he's getting some! :lol:
:D Yeah that sounds better and it was wat I meant. I will volunteer for the position of girlfriend, :p ;)
Babs said:
:D Yeah that sounds better and it was wat I meant. I will volunteer for the position of girlfriend, :p ;)

I guess we should draw straws for that position. Or is anyone here in the Ward who wouldn't volunteer? :D

Alright, ladies, it's time to pick a winner for the eyebrow-theme. You provided so many great pics, it was hard for me to decide...

Here are the runner-ups
Blackflag with the power of the brow and this adorable pout I so love that pic :)
And then it's miko with this one Brows at work :D

And the winner is.... nicksarafan2 with this one He's so unbelievably cute in this pic!

Congratz, nicksarafan2 You're up to pick the next theme! :)
ok firstly i gotta appologize for not being round here in ages, RL (spesh skool) just sucks sometimes, ive been doing like 10 hour skool days (no joke) trying to finish all assignments and stuff for exams, and boy is it tiring, not only that but its taking away from my Nick/George perving time *shock, horror* i know its just not good enough, but alas, i'm back :D woot.

congrats NSF2 for winning the theme, hope i'm round when the new one starts :D
First I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful Nick/George pictures!

I have been a long time lurker around here and feel sort of rude at taking so long to thank you all...I'm just new to this sort of thing and was a little shy.

I can't tell you all how much reading your comments and looking at your pictures helps me get through the rough days.

I also wanted to just THANK YOU ALL for being such fun, thoughtful, POLITE Nick/George fans...having visited other message boards and sites I was so happy to find a place where true fans can have fun and admire our favorite CSI without the weird and nasty comments so many other boards seem to have.

And now...having rambled a bit nervously...I have a question...

I've noticed that you are all as obsessed...or ummm...dedicated to CSI and Nick as I am...and was wondering if you could help.

Does anyone know in which episode the CSI vest first makes an appearance on Nick?

I don't have season 1 on dvd yet, but assume it was sometime then...or was it in season 2?

I figured one of you lovely ladies would know... ;)

Thank you in advance...
Welcome to the ward Azzie. There have been plenty of lurkers who are now regular victims of the syndrome. Me included. I don't know the answer to the vest question but I'm sure none of us will mind doing research to find the answer :lol: if they are ready don't know the answer

Some Sunday morning gifts

very delectable :D
a slightly stern Nick
head tilt
Thanks for the morning gifts, lovely!

As I am new I will try and post a picture (just to see if its works, apologies if it doesn't)... Good morning :)

Yay, it worked!! Thanks Jacquie, can't wait for the next theme so I can join in!!
I haven't been around much this past week, school is keeping me busy! Hopefully I'll be able to participate in the next theme. Congrats nicksarafan2!

I will say that I thought Nick looked very good of course in the new episode. I was watching with my dad and the first time he saw Nick he said "looks like he's put on weight, he looks a little pudgy." I don't know if I agree with that, of course, I defended him. ;) I think maybe his face does look a little more round with the buzz cut though, but I still think it looks good.

Azzie said:
Does anyone know in which episode the CSI vest first makes an appearance on Nick?
Welcome to the ward Azzie. I think the vest actually didn't start until season 3. I know it was in Fight Night, but I feel like it might have been in Abra Cadaver too, but I'm not sure. Someone else here probably knows for sure. Nick does seem to wear it more than anyone else, and it looks the best on him anyway, I love the vest. I thought it was cute in the Early Show interview this week that he said he never takes it off, he sleeps in it. :)
Does anyone know if the interview from the early show is up on any of the sites. I haven't seen it and I would like to. :)

km444 I agree with you. Nick doesn't look pudgy. I know we all've had this discussion before and so what if George looks more filled out. This just means there is more for us to love :D and I loved what I saw on Thursday night. Oh yummy all over :p
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