Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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I just wanted to make sure that I was clear that this is NOT a group or set of pictures theme -- you don't have to have one from each of the seasons. For example, if you wanted to submit for consideration 12 pictures from Assume Nothing, that'd be okay.
two more days til double the new nicky! interview and new csi, itll be a good day :D there are soooo many good shots from this years premier, but those will have to wait til friday so ill work with what im allowed to :p

maple! stop hiding down there and come out! i hope a still from the premiere is ok ;)
sweet little puppy dog!
hotstuff coming through!
trying the white shirt approach
the super cute head tilt
go big or go home i always say :D

my head has cleared up so you can just give nicky back to me now.... :p
Ok 1 store down, 1 more to go. Today is the big change over of stores so I am glad for my break in between inventories to have some Nicky goodness. allmaple I have looked at the pics for season 7, no idea what the story is about, and is it Thursday yet? I am so looking forward to the interview and the show. Yummy!

On to season premiere pics

your assignments for tonight are...
greg's keeping an eye on our guy
you want me to use clear nail polish?
no more days left for shirts like this
sara can't believe Nick said that
a bit of something for all of us :)
I was looking back at the 'shocked' pics of GE, and wondered if anyone has a pic from the scene in "Chasing the Bus" when they blew out the bus tire. George made a really funny shocked face when the tire exploded. It makes me laugh every time. If anyone has it, I'd love to see it. :lol:
I've been having loads of computer/internet problems the past couple of days, so I can't seem to upload anything to my photobucket :( There were many wonderful submissions for this theme. Some old favorites (you know who you are ;)) and some that we've seen less often. But, fortunately, my three favorite ones all came from the same person and that lucky winner is Blackflag with these three pics:

Super congrats to Blackflag!

And I just want to add that I never noticed before that there was a white shirt in 3 of the 6 season premieres.
LaRoseNoir said:
I was looking back at the 'shocked' pics of GE, and wondered if anyone has a pic from the scene in "Chasing the Bus" when they blew out the bus tire. George made a really funny shocked face when the tire exploded. It makes me laugh every time. If anyone has it, I'd love to see it. :lol:

ive looked but have never found it. it is a really cute face so i wish it was out there somewhere!
id really like to know who people think theyre phoning when they call my house at 1am (last night it was 2:30 am!!) asking if were still open. maybe ill get nicky to investigate...
:eek: I wasn't really expecting to win. Don't you just love that third one. Forget who I got it from, but I got it from someone else.

Lets see - new theme. Since I just noticed what OT said about the white shirts when I posted those pics lets play a game. Black and White. He needs to be wearing either a black shirt or a white shirt in each pic. You must have at least one pic with black and one pic with white. Hope that makes sense. :) Max of 12 pics. I'll pick the winner at some time tomarrow. When I don't know as I will be staying up through the Late Late Show and usually I'm asleep long before it.

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