Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Hi girls!!

been busy, but now I'm back!!

love all the Nicky pics, also found out George is going to be on 'Late Late Show' on thursday!!

I'm very happy!!

and Jacquie I see you changed your name!

and I love my Anderson icon too!!
Well I was pleased to see all the pics but now you expect me to pick one that is winner. How about you all win? :D Ok since that won't do here are the runners up in no particular order.

OnlyTruth I don't know how pleased Nick was but I was sure pleased to see this :p
km444 I love the crocked smile :)
blackflag yummy ;)

These last three are very hard. They are from 3 different people but all equally yummy and pleasing

Babs Nick is very pleased
blackflag again. I love the smirk look on his face.

The winner of the pleasing theme is OnlyTruth . Nick looks like the cat that caught the mouse. Very pleased. Congrats on winning.
congrats OT! maybe tomorrow i wont be lazy and will play :lol:
anyhoos, found a few stills ive never seen before, or have only seen small so i will share them:
i wonder what flavour of chapstick he uses...
poor muffin doesnt want to go down those stairs
the yummy jacket didnt think id seen a big one of this before
just a few, the others i cant show you because they wont air for a month :p im exhausted, couldnt sleep last night so im off to bed! hopefully my head wont get stuffed up again :( this may be the only time i say this but, keep nicky away from me! i dont want to infect him with a cold!
Ever so happy that I checked in here before heading off to bed! :)

Okay, so since we are just days away (who else is counting the hours) until the season 7 premiere, the new theme is:
pics of Nick from the season premieres.

You don't have to find one from each season -- this isn't a "set" of pictures theme. But you do have to limit your pics to season premieres. And just to make it easier on ya, here are the eppy titles:
season 1: Pilot; season 2:Burked; season 3: Revenge is Best Served Cold; season 4: Assume Nothing; season 5: Viva Las Vegas; season 6: Bodies in Motion.

12 pics max. At least 24 hours til a winner. Have fun!

Oh, and maple, thanks for posting those stills -- they're georgeous.
Nice pics Anne. Ladies, Anne had some good choices but I KNOW that there are lots and lots of really good ones left. So get to work.
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