Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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Don't you mean season 7? :) Don't worry, dreaming about George would melt anyone's brain.
well Baba i have a crop of yet unseen by you savannah pics, but you dont like 'beefy' george :p just one more month til new csi, you can make it, maybe.... :lol: i guess its good for george that hes able to stay out of paparazzi spotlight, but it means we have big dry spells without hearing anything about him.
just got in from work, got to feed my tummy so theres lots of energy to look over smiling pictures. back after dinner!
How do you know I haven't seen 'em? ;)

And I'm sure the others here would like them just fine. But you're correct: Younger, bulkier George is not my preferred George.
I want to see the Savannah pics. :devil:

My neighbor was doing some work on her property and cut through the cable. So, for the past 2 days I have been without cable tv, internet, and home phone. :( I'm enjoying catching up on the smile pictures, but I'll sit the theme out and wait for the next round.
i think they had a very low budget on savvanah, which is why they never let poor george wear any clothes! :lol: ill leave those in my personal collection for obvious reasons ;)
well, ive never had so many finalists before! so i cant give out all the honourable mentions i would have liked too. so, the most honourable of the honourable mentions go to:
km444 aint he just the sweetest little thang? :D
blackflag and no, its not just because hes wet and his shirt is like a second skin :p i like when he smiles so much his forehead and eyes go all crinkley
marie its ever so slightly crooked but oh so adorable!
Babs i wonder if his face muscles are getting tired yet...
SamStokes so cute in full on laugh mode!

but my tip top favourite smile of all was from Jacquie!!! hes pearly whites are shining all right, and the scruff is just to die for! so congrats! btw i was supposed to be in your neck of the woods tomorrow again, but my work schedule got changed on me. markham is safe from mayhem for at least a few more weeks :lol:
allmaple Markham can never have enough mayhem especially when it involves suffers of the Stokes Syndrome :lol:. Oh happy dance. I thought that pic might become everybody's new favourite. It is a good pic. Let me get my dinner and think on a theme.

eta: as I sat down to dinner a theme popped into my head and I don't think this theme has been down before. I would like to see pics of George, Nick and co. sitting whether on a chair, sofa, at desk or table. The usual 12 and I will announce a winner Wednesday evening.
km444 thank you for my gift. After the day it has been it is very much appreciated. :)

anne only your pic #1 and #3 are of Nick. Incase you didn't understand me when I said George, Nick and company I was refering to George's other characters.
Re: Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12 *DELETED*

Post deleted by anne_wolfe
I grant you that pics 2, 4, 6 are not the best. But what is wrong with five? It's of Nick and Warrick sitting in the locker room during Stalker.

I promise I'm not trying to be difficult; I just don't understand.
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