Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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anne, there must be some sort of cross up on pics because the ones you are describing are not the ones I am seeing. Your #2 pic is a cap of Brass from the Accused is Entitled, #4 is Sara from Gum Drops, #5 is Grissom, Brass and Mr Pearson from Stalker and #6 is Catherine and Nick from The Accused is Entitled. The pics are all from beyond-imaginations website. All I can suggest is to try posting them again.
Well, I thought I messed up so I went and found different pics. I'll try posting them. I'm going to do it right now so watch for them, Jacquie. I'll mark the ones I change. They'll be on my orignal post.
Ok everybody the problem was on my end and has been corrected. The problem was with my computer because my husband's computer was seeing the correct pics. Thank god for hubby working in the computer business. :) Anne please repost the pics that I missed. I will allow you an extra 6 so I may see them.
I would submit some pics, but you girls took all the good ones :D

but that is ok... hi :D

I like young buff George, you got young GE pics!!! I like him that way :D
The Gum Drops one is so cute...and the one with Warrick is nice too. And the horse...but can we forget the horse and just ride him instead? <g> *wouldn't mind having him for one of her bday presents*
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