A lot of the pics I have come from you guys too. When I'm doing a theme, I tend to save any that I remotely like (which ends up being almost all of them of course) then narrow down the winners from there, but then I end up with more in my photobucket.
Speaking of winners, I have gone through the season 1 theme. Maybe I'll use this as a starting point for organizing my photobucket.
There were lots of pics I liked and some I don't think I'd seen before, but I had to narrow it down, so here are the five runners up:
nicksarafan2 I really felt for him here, and I love the emotion in this picture, especially his eyes. I just want to hug him!
Jacquie I thought he looked really good in this episode, and I like the closeup with hat and jacket
Jacquie again Judging by the filename of this pic (km444), and my memory, I think I've submitted this before, and I do really like it! Good idea to know your audience
blackflag A good profile with dress shirt shot
Babs I just think he looks really cute here
And the winner of the season 1 theme is:
marieluka I love this picture! I really like that scene, and the cute little grin he has. So, now you get to pick the next theme. Congrats on winning, and I think this was your first theme too.
Thanks for the article translation earlier too.
Hmm, I just noticed that three of the six pictures I chose are from Evaluation Day. I guess I liked how he looked in that one a lot! I didn't realize they were all from there until just now.