Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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I love getting to judge the theme pictures. I love looking and looking and looking at the submitted pics. It makes me happy.

It also makes me happy to annouce my decision :)
The runner-up pics:
from Anne
from km the pic that inspired the theme
from kito
from babs a wonderful closeup of a non-Nick pic
from jacquie

and the weiner of this theme is:
blackflag boy, do I love this shot. The expression, how he is looking up, the longer hair. He is sooooo cute.
cofi_shot said:
Congratulations blackflag!

Anyways, just dropping by to post some new caps from Not sure though if you guys have seen them. :)



congratz black :)

Saw the pic's I made them also only I removed Taratino ;) But thnx for sharing
(does a little happy dance because I was a runner up) I was absolutely shocked when I saw my name. I never thought I would win even runners up. I just like playing the game. Thank you for chossing one of my photos.

Congrats, black! I loved your pic. Only is right, he is so cute.
5 weeks to go before new nick.

Regarding some spoilers I'd catch... I really can't wait to see THE MAN again.

Congrat Blackflag
What a nice thing to find out after spending almost 3 hours painting trim and then spending an hour mowing the lawn.

That was the first pic (that I knew I had) that I thought of when you gave the theme.

Lets see - for the next theme how about Nick with his best friend Warrick. Limit of 12.


ETA: It can be George and Gary as well as Nick and Warrick.
Veze welcome back to the ward. I too look forward to the season opener but this year I have decided to go spoiler free. I was disappointed in some of the episodes last year after reading spoilers so I am not reading any. It's difficult because my curiosiy wants to know about Nick but so far I am winning the battle and not reading anything. I want to be pleasantly pleased on Sept 21 when the new season starts.

Congrats on winning blackflag. Good theme idea

I'm telling you
allmaple is checking back into the ward tonight :)
oh to have a target to use here :devil:
lunch anyone they do look good enough to eat don't they :D
a handsome team
shell I flip

eta corrected the second pic
Jacquie your first 2 are comming up the same. While I love Stalker you might want different pics.

Thanks Susan I corrected the pic. I sometimes hit controlv instead of controlc to copy my pic.
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