Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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LaRoseNoir enjoy your vacation and hopefully there will lots of drool pics for you when you come back.

Now on to the business at hand or in this case eyes :lol:. As usual you people have outdone yourselves with posting pics. It was hard to select the runners up and the winner but here goes. In no particular order here are the 5 finalists

onlytruth with some eyelashes
babs with a bit of a stare
km444 with the wide eye approach
babs again with the cowboy look
onlytruth with the drop dead georgous look :p

and with the winning pic allmaple . When I first saw these pics they just got my breath. George's eyes are so expressive in these. Wow. So allmaple the theme is now in your hands.
sheesh, between being away all day yesterday and then the server problems, this is the first time since yesterday morning that I've been here. I was going into Nick withdrawal ;) Congrats, maple --those were definitely some terrific pics.
OnlyTruth you weren't the only one in Nick withdrawal. This morning I took the time to look at some other screencaps to make sure I remembered what Nick looked like :lol:. I was also concerned I wouldn't be able to keep up my end of the theme. For some reason I thought it was just me having problems.
Gah!!! Onlytruth this pic Saxy!!! you submitted, is so freaking gorgeous!!! I want an Icon from it, he's so perfect!!! Drool!

Oh and congrats Allmaple chose a good theme :D
sorry to keep you waiting ladies. it was girls scary movie night last night. although the movie we got was the most disappointing piece of crap, no one even screamed! whats the point of a scary movie that doesnt scare you? i had nicky on hand just in case, so i guess you can have him tonight Jacquie

i was excited when the eye theme was picked, because i knew i had those 'evalutaion day' ones up my sleeve :D didnt think you could resist them Jacquie :p so, for the new theme, lets go with an oldie but a goodie. the classic profile. its easy, its sexy, so hop to it ladies! george and all his characters, 12 each, go!
allmaple Thank you I will take Nicky to the store today. It is delivery day and I will make those muscles pop. You may need to come and clean me up off the sidewalk though. With the heat and those muscles popping, or even the mere thought of them popping, I think I may melt with all the heat and sights :devil:

Here are some more profiles.
you'll need both of these today
only if all mechinacs were this good looking
time to play peek a poo
gus with little stoker
hey I am spending the day with Jacquie (and night) but Nick is not the type of guy to tell all his secerts
Nick needs a hug here
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