Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Babs said:

It is nice to see the power of the brow works for Gus as well as Nick.
Congrats on winning km444. Other than being a winning pic Nick feels like he need a hug in a big way there. I'll be first in line today. :D

Another large Nick while we wait for a new theme.

allmaple nice avatar.
Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay, I have to share a computer at work, and sadly looking at these pictures does not seem to be priority here. Also, I am not sure that I am ready to disclose my syndrome affliction here, so I can't always get to the ward.

Anyway, thanks for picking me as the winner allmaple! I think I won the theme once before with that second one from Werewolves, and the other finalist from me was one that you had posted for one of the themes I did, so I thought you might like it. ;)

So, for the new theme, I was having trouble thinking of something, and came up with two ideas, but one I don't know if there are enough pics of. So my other idea is for a set of pictures of Nick in different locations. You can post two sets with one of Nick in each of the following places: in the lab, in the morgue, outside, in a car/some type of vehicle, and inside but not in the lab or morgue (like maybe the break room, an office, a house processing a scene, etc). I hope that makes sense. I'll pick a winner tomorrow evening. :)
Ack, I messed up when I posted the theme. I left out one of the locations I was thinking of. OT's post reminded me of what it was, since she got it anyway. Thanks OT! :)
So, to clarify, I wanted a set a pictures showing Nick in different locations. Each set should have each of the following:
In the lab
In the morgue
In a vehicle
Inside (but not in one of the other specific locations)
In the interrogation room (this is the one I forgot before)

Sorry for the confusion! Babs, if you want to change yours that's fine, or you can keep them and I will count it since I messed up.
No problem, but for now I keep them, my little boy just wake up, dinner time for him ;). So hope you don't mind and next set will be okay ;0
thanks for the compliment Jacquie! when i went looking for pictures of michael weatherly i was surprised at how many there were. made me realized george needs to get out more so we can have a whole bunch of event photos :lol: but dont get me wrong, tony is perfect for a short fling, but nick is the guy you want to take home to momma ;) ack! have to get to class. picture hunting is going to have to wait til tonight
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack... :D

wlk68 your state is beautfiul! Boston was so much fun! We did so many interesting things and yesterday I watched the fireworks in the Boston Harbor with half a million other people! I'm tired and glad to be back home, though!

I missed you guys as well as the wonderful pictures! After some rest and washing all my clothes I will jump back into the game!

Just figured I stop and say "Hi!" :D :D
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