Hey, Stellarinas
meanwhile I have watched all links posted by la Lamm

, and I like them all, though with the film trailers, there´s not much of Athena to see, but I suppose and hope that doesn´t mean that there´s not much of her in the movie.
Dearest LAMM
believe it or not, doctors are not the epitome of desinfection.

It doesn't matter they change their clothes. Being in touch with many patients per day (and nurses too) make them a source of bacterias. This new EB is different because she is already a Virus:lol:
Well, the good thing is that EB is a virus and not a bacteria, so Stella could find a vaccine for Mac to protect him from the Ebolita-flu :lol:. Oh God, do I sound Smacked


Just to clarify: Stella would only do this as caring sister for her big brother

I hope you have to swallow any single word of it NUT!:lol: He dated old Virus who had brown hair, then he kissed Quinn who is red headed

and he married Claire who really was blonde but we
can't say there is an OBVIOUS patron
Mac and Stell are NOT brother and sister so they can make whatever they want:devil:
Oh, I´ve just had supper, I can´t eat these words, my dear LAMM

. Wasn´t the old virus rather dark blonde, but not brown haired? And Quinn was definitely looking like a carrot- was this a short, temporarily vegetable phase of Mac :lol:? And Claire was the real blonde one, alright. So OK, there doesn´t seem a sort of pattern in Mac´s taste, except that sometimes his taste is weird

- despite having the most obvious sex-bomb in front of his eyes almost every day, but still he doesn´t seem to see Stella. Now you can lead a camel to the oasis, but it has to drink on its own

, guess who´s the camel and who´s the oasis :lol:. If he´d really love Stella as a woman and not as a friend and sister, so why would he need another silly chick instead of grabbing Stella by her curls and, well, just drink *ooopsa* :lol:? How many women do you think he´ll still need until he´d realize the real Mrs. Right is Stella? No, he´s just not in love with her, that´s the point.
And yes, Mac and Stella are not siblings, but they behave like brother and sister. Mac is Stella´s big brother :lol:.
I want to make clear i don't have any affection for the Stella/Adam thing BUT TPTB seem to be convinced it was the best storyline since the fired was discovered

(at least at the beginning. Now they seemed they had forgotten this story but you never know

). I guess i expect they are right
I know you´re not really into the Stella/Adam thing

. I still think TPTB lost their courage to continue with the story before it even really had begun, or they just dropped it the way they dropped the Haylen-story; we´ll probably never find out. IMO it´s a pity, something interesting and controversial could have evolved from such a story....
I can imagine your teacher saying "YOU BARBARIC ...NUT!":guffaw:
Well, she didn´t really call me NUT :lol:.
You definitely are a BARBARIC NUT:lol:you have forgotten main details!
OK, you´re the better storyteller of us two, I surrender :lol:.
Once upon a time there was someone called Andromeda who started posting very seriously

I tried to convinced her of becoming into a Smackie but nothing worked

so i looked for a popular expression in my country "Un hueso duro de roer" and in English i found out there was a similar "A NUT hard to crack"
So the Serious Andromeda became into THE NUT:lol: But the NUT wanted to have risks so she visited the Smacked Family Thread to prove she was a Brave NUT and the first thing she said it was she was visiting the "Lioness' den" but i clarified her it wasn't the Lioness' den but i was a sweet and quiet Lamb:lol:
Since this is a Nut from Germany she calls me Lamm and i call her NUT
As simple as that
Dusty, now you know everything, all mysteries have been revealed, I hope you´re a happy Dusty now :lol:.
you are a beloved NUT

and i adore you as you are, Smackie or not

but i don't hide any nutcracker in my wool
You, of all people, know i want the truth
You are a lovely LAMM, that is the truth :thumbsup:.
Love and hugs from your
Hueso duro de roer and thanks for the great pics