Peyton is back? I thought "Point of View" was the only episode she would be back in.
Unless they havent´t changed plans, Peyton will move on to S7 and be part of a love triangle, until Mac will choose to choose either her or Aubrey

I don't think they were clever because there are a lot of people who were upset over the quick replacement of MK. They felt like CBS didn't try hard enough to keep MK.
I don't think the network goes into negotiations without a possible backup in case things go wrong and no one knows when the decision was made or when the negotiations reached the point of no return and they continued to negotiate but also looked for a replacement because it seemed like they couldn't convince MK to stay.
The quick replacement seemed as if they didn't care whether MK was leaving or not. It's not just on this board that people reacted upset about it.
Well, I agree that it was at least pretty unclever how CBS handled releasing the breaking news of MK leaving CSI on one day, and right the next day they released the news of Sela Ward being her replacement. That way it really left a sort of foul smell, as if they didn´t bother too much about Melina´s decision, because they had already a new ace hidden backhand.
PerfectAnomaly--->I have nothing but respect for Melina´s decision and I said it before that I even think she did the right thing at the right time. I also acknowledge that, no matter how spontaneous it seemed to appear to the outside world, Melina must have made her decision quite a while ago, anyway right in time enough to enable CBS to look for an adequate replacement to bring in S7. Quite probably they had several candidates and the decision for Sela was very likely made in the past days or weeks.
Rumours always had it that Melina´s contract would end with S6, so negotiations for a new contract might have already begun even while S6 was still running, because I imagine both sides were eager to come to a result before the summer holidays would begin. And I´m sure it all happened in an amicable atmosphere, no bad vibes.
So why CBS kept the news secret until this Monday is their guess, in any way it opened the door for speculations, and I can´t see anything bad in speculations and discussions as long as they are not taking offense.
My dearest Lamm,
Nut, beloved Nut, yes, it was hard to understand and to belive on this. But if she remain in people's mind maybe Melina will realize she misses all of us, the show, her colleagues and her fans.
I depend on that, beloved Nut, to think she will be back at some point. And I am a Smackie but i am a Stella fan and that make it harder this but i will try to give all chances i could as long both sides, specially Melina, give us a chance for those viewers who are truly hopeless and very sad out there. I know life must go on, heck! i have been fan of other shows too. I do understand most of times is "business" but if they could have understand what it means for people! Anyway, i will keep my hope. I don't quit to the idea Stella Bonasera will be back at some point and we will have a explanation to all this.
many hugs my dearest NUT
the Lamm
Oh, I´m sure Melina will miss the show, the team, the fans, just everything. Leaving NY must have been one of the most difficult decisions she ever made. But things change, and I guess it was just the perfect moment for Melina to make her choice. I don´t want to take your hopes away, and I´m sure Melina will soon explain herself, and who knows, maybe she´ll have some good news for us about new projects, shows or films

So keep your head up, many hugs to you

Lori K.--->
If that is the case it must have been recent because I saw her on a talk show promoting "Rest in Peace Maria" and she was all excited about hanging upside down in the car crash scene.
I remember that, and I do believe that she enjoyed shooting this episode in particular. But that doesn´t necessarily mean that she was still generally happy with the show´s development. If she wasn´t, she´d be far too polite to do a public slag off in a talk show.
Around the beginning of S6 she was asked if she will stay until the show ends and she replied something like "I dunno, I never feel overly sure, there´s so much going on on TV, so many new programmes and pay TV like TNT. It´s all very exciting, so who knows.....".
That raised an eye brow, because IMO it gave a hint that Melina might have already started to think about a life without and beyond CSI:NY.