Which is why it is such a pity that she's leaving... while I really like the facet of CSI NY having developed the characters the way they have, I now find myself thinking that they shouldn't have because of the situation we're having right now. They shouldn't develope a character like Stella and then never give all the answers. They should have done it only if they could have given the answers. I think the problem is that by making her such an intricate character they not only made this CSI but also about her, in a way. They opened the can of worms (her past) and they're never going to fully reveal what's in it.
With the other characters it's not as bad, they are detailed characters, however, we sort of do know their story and there's not something that is unfinished. Except for Sheldon maybe and Adam though both have not been getting a lot of screen time so it wouldn't matter if they dropped out.
Though her mother would have to have been married to him, how else would Stella have his last name? Because Bonasera obviously isn't Greek

(and in the character descriptions she's said to be Italian and Greek)
Well, obviously their original plan was to build up Stella´s character from season to season and reveal bits and pieces of her mysterious past and childhood from time to time. Apparently it never occured to them that MK might not stay until the end of the show, or at least as long as it takes to give away all of her secrets. Even months ago TPTB talked of "we´ll find out a lot more about Stella". They shouldn´t have promised what they couldn´t keep; it would have been better to tell the story of her family background earlier, or at least most of it, so there wouldn´t be such a big gap left.
Nonetheless I like detailed, in-depth characters rather than surfacial, dull characters where you wonder if there´s a personality behind them at all. But it´s true, if the character leaves with an unfinished story, then it leaves a bad taste.
I dunno, maybe Stella didn´t only live in orphanages and foster homes, but was once adopted by a family with the name of Bonasera, but they turned out to be horrible and she ran away. Ah, had Melina known then what she knows now, she would have asked Professor P. in "GfD" about her Dad :lol:.
Well, there's always hope... though I don't like to be too optimistic. Didn't get my hopes up after Second Chances either - and I was right not to do so. Expecting the worst makes everything that's not the worst a treat
After S6 I can´t have much hope either, unless they bring in some new great authors; after all Peter Lenkov left, there´s a job left

However, if you think about the exists we've seen so far - Aiden returned for two episodes in season 2 to write her character out, Warrick Brown from CSI was shot and then was in the first episode of season 9 (I think), Eric Delko disappeared at the end of season 7, Grissom even got his replacement hired. I'm not sure about Sara, I wasn't watching CSI closely at that time.
Characters like Sophia and Riley just disappeared from the face of Earth though.
And the articles about MK's departure stated that it doesn't appear that she's going to return for a few episodes to give her character closure. That tells me that there was nothing set up for her exit and that it caught CBS completely by surprise.
Why else would they need her back?
Yes, Aiden´s exit was well worked out, and that´s why I can´t see why it´s not possible to give Stella one or two episodes, too, in S7 to write her out properly (of course, not killing her

I must admit I don´t really follow the other CSI´s, so I can´t comment on their leaving characters, but looks like most of them got a proper exit.
Well, even if they were caught by surprise by MK´s departure, I think there would have still been enough time to work a story out and show Stella´s exit in the beginning of S7.
Well, if it hadn't been for Mac and Stella and writing fanfiction and my obsession for getting details right, I wouldn't have been watching CSI NY anymore. There were so many episodes I got annoyed with, so many things that weren't logical, didn't make sense, didn't respect the characters and their relationships... so I truly expect something every cheap and easy as a departure for Stella. And I also and very sadly don't expect that we'll be shown much about how the team was affected by her departure if at all.
I agree, I don´t dare to expect anything well worked out and thought out concerning Stella´s departure, let alone that she will still be mentioned for long and we´ll see the team´s reaction on her exit. Maybe the first two or three episodes will have her mentioned and then it´s over

As I said, they seemed to have wanted. After all it was mentioned that she wouldn't return so that suggests, they tried. Though I might be mistaken on that.
I don´t know if they wanted- what they really wanted was MK to play another full season at least, or maybe they even wanted to bind her for more seasons and she declined it because she didn´t want to be bound to one show for such a long time. But what they didn´t try IMO was to convince her to come back for one or two episodes to close Stella´s story properly, because I´m sure MK wouldn´t have declined that.
The second half as well. It was sort of - she got the crap with Adam and was pushed into the background then around episode 9 or so she got more to do again, the peak was Second Chances, then it declined again with a little light with The Formula then declined until RIP MG then almost crashed until the finale. It was like they were playing yo-yo with her like they are doing/ were doing with her and Mac's relationship. In whatever way.
They didn't have a thread running through, continuity was lacking... Big time!!
I remember reading somewhere that someone said how MK would always say that fans would pick up on this or that mistake. So I wouldn't be surprised if she was bothered by bad writing (and knowing what it did to the show).
Well, yes, summoned up the second half wasn´t much better. Oh, GOD, don´t remind me of that Adam-mess

:lol:, that was the icing on the rotten cake and another of them many stories of S6 that went to nowhere or didn´t even start off properly. I´m 1000%ly sure that the original idea of TPTB was to do something very controversial and daring and write in an Adam/Stella relationship, and both AJ´s and MK´s interviews of that time indicated this, too. But then their courage left them and they changed it into a silly, useless, obsolete, stupid one-night-stand that had only one sad effect: The sweet and funny chemistry between the two which I loved so much in S4 and 5 was gone; they had to act as if they were strangers for fear that someone might find out about what happened

I fully agree, this season had a great lack of continuity, too many breaks, too much stuff that went nowhere and Stella was in most of the shows rather an extra than a co-leading actress.
I agree, like a yo-yo she was treated, more down than up. My personal highlight was "Criminal Justice", even more than "RIP MG", because it was an unexpected Stella-episode and it was one of the few really well written ones, from first to last minute. It was Stella at her best, but whenever such an epi built up new hopes, they were shattered in the next ones.
Yes, I read that interview where MK said that and I guess it didn´t escape her that there were a lot more complaints of fans this season than ever before and it must have bothered her.
Stella was promoted? When did that happen?
Well, Mac's been running around, so Stella should have run around as well. As long as she's a detective and CSI...
Well, it was never officially mentioned that Stella was promoted, but it was speculated because she´s got her own office now, while before she shared one with Lindsay. And you know, Mac is the leading man, so they will let him run around at the CSI´s, boss or not, but it´s not the same with Stella, she is "only" the co-boss and they let her feel it a lot this time.
I think so as well, at least that it wouldn't be forgiven and would hurt fans even more than her sudden departure already did.
I agree, we´re suffering enough with her sudden departure, so it´s not necessary to torture us even more
