Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Oh lord :(. I hope Melina's family in Greece is alright, with that huge fire going on around Greece. Here's an update. It's devasating as I'm sure she's greatly affected by this tragedy :(.

*eta* OT but Dims, how's it in Thessaloniki. I know the fires are hitting my papou & yiayia's village in the mainland...
One week ago I returned from Greece and the fire was terrible. We could'nt visit the Peloponeso and other zones. The help has come very late
Yeah, I had actually thought of that before, the situation really seems pretty bad in Greece :( I am glad my country sent some help.

It is really hard for people affected in Greece, but I am sure it must also be for those that don't live there anymore, but are still connected as Melina. It must be kind of frustrating to see everything burning.

Btw, I have a question. Has Melina ever done any appearance in a Greek show? Has she acted in Greece or only in the USA, even though playing a greek part?
So sad to hear about the fires in Greece. I've just read that the fires have reached the ancient Olympics site. I'm a big fan of the Olympics and this was just terrible to hear. Anyway, check it out here.
CSI_Dani said:

Btw, I have a question. Has Melina ever done any appearance in a Greek show? Has she acted in Greece or only in the USA, even though playing a greek part?

as far as i know she has only acted in the US.
As for the fire, things are really bad over here. 63 people have died and the fires are still going strong. Only a god sent rain can end the situation immediately. or else we don't know what more to expect, except more tragedy.
Yeah, it's terrible to hear about the fire :( Like you said Mina, I hope also that Melina's family is alright ;)

Holland send also some helicopters to help to stop the fire. And it's awfull to hear that maybe people caused this huge fire, how can you do something like that? It's disgusting that people may have ruined such a beautiful place...
Yeah!It's really terrible..The damage is horrible and so many people dead and all those others who actually lost their properties.It's a shame! :( :mad:..It's good that we all from our countries sent help.

Elektra ,kalosirthes! :)
Hey guys...these fires are terrible but I think they are stopping...slowly! It's horrible thinking that someone may have started them on purpose.

I was brosing Youtube and saw this trailer for a film and it has glimses on Melina, it'ds called... 15 minutes trailer... be warned it doesn't look the best fil in the world but Melina is in it so what the hell!

Edit: On youtube enter... Giannis Parios, Haris Varthakouris - Pio kali i monaxia... and then scroll to 1:52!
I think we're due for some photos, courtesy of google images:



Enjoy :cool:
Wow, can't believe it's been quiet around here lately...Real life seems to be an intrusion for the most part. Hope everything in Greece gets better soon. Too many trees and landscape devastated. I hope recovery will be quick though.

Anyway, efxaristo for the lovely Melina pics, glam_chic86. :)
Parakalo koritsi :).

I wonder if Melina will make an appeal on American television, asking for help & donations for Greece. I totally think she would, as it would raise awareness in the non-Hellenic community. I'm sure the majority of Greeks around the world know what's going on & Melina is the perfect one to shed light on the tragedy that is killing my people & my country. After all, she was fantastic at annoucing the arrival of the Olympic flame so why not :)? And, she's easily the most famous Greek who feels the most pride for their heritage. Let's see what happens!
Hey Mandy, I had a question for you :D :
"De repente en mi vida, hay algo que me tiene confundida. No lo puedo evitar, puedo intentar. Conservar el asombro hasta el final."--Soraya

What is it in your quote? :) I saw my name and I was just curious :lol:

And Mina, I really don't know. I think if they ask Melina that she would do it. Only for the people to be a support there in Greece. I watch everyday the news, only to see how the people are doing in Greece. God, this is awful :( This situation makes me really sad. But thanks for the lovely pictures Mina :) Always loving our Greek Goddess :D

Let's give the thread something nice, after this awful news the last weeks.. ;)
Hey Sor. The quote is actually from a song by the Colombian-American singer Soraya, who succumbed to breast cancer last year. The title of the song is De Repente and it also has an English version, Suddenly.

The actual translation is:

Suddenly in my life there is something that confuses me. It cannot be avoided. I can try to preserve the surprise (amazement) until the end.

But the English version of the song goes like this:

Suddenly in my life,
There's something that's got me mystified,
And I cannot fight it but I can try
To keep the wonder of it alive.

I just love what the quote and the song, for that matter, are all about. Check this music video out of De Repente at YouTube. As for the English version, I could only find a Woody-Jordan (Crossing Jordan) video set to the tune of Suddenly. :D

By the way, efxaristo for posting another lovely pictureof Stella/Melina. :)

I'm sure Melina will most likely use her celebrity to call out for help on behalf of Greece. She's got a big heart, for sure. :)
hey guys over here in the UK we have a digital channel calle FiveUS which shows a lot of US TV programmes, this is how we have a lot of reruns, and in between some eps you get to see interviews with the cast and oyther stuff. Anyway I found one on youtube with melina and thought you might want a look here..
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