Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Thanks athens! :) Thanks Nat! Mwah! :)

So what Stella and the hooker said in RSRD still remain a riddle to us...:lol: :lol: Hmmmm...anybody here speaks Russian? :D

Yup, I'm glad the Greek fires are out! I can't believe that all of it possibly started from arson! I can't believe that someone would deliberately inflict all that damage and suffering! I just hope Greece can bounce back from all of it!
This is courtesy of Celinish over at Divine Providence:

I heard that Melina was to release an Arctic Monkeys Cover Version Album. Is it true? If so whens the release date???

& this was taken from wikipedia:

Melina is also noted for her incredible voice,from singing with her sisters growing up to recording with producer Donald Benjamin, to Broadway and her forthcoming album of Arctic Monkeys cover versions.

If that's true, I'm definitely excited. I had no idea either but to see Melina release an album would be pretty sweet.

*eta* Have you guys seen this? :)
That would be great, Mina! :D Melina is such a good singer and I would be so happy if she would bring an album :) Hopefully the rumors are true :D Thanks for sharing Mina! :)
woo! thanks for that info Mins. :D

mandy belated happy bday. wasnt able to come on yesterday :p :lol: and yeah i can't wait when it starts, T_T why did i have to miss the first one. :(

glad the fire's out. what a mean thing to do. arson? rawr.
Thanks MJ! *Mwah* :D

Melina's doing an album? Really? Wow! Her singing voice is pretty good. Having a good singing voice is one of my biggest frustrations! :lol: :lol: I just looooove singing! Love the karaoke as well! :lol: :lol:
Mj!! where 've you been?! I sent you a PM (thia time, I SURE cuz i have a carbon copy) , Helena's getting antsy about your reply. says she's got some much ideas in her head, it's oozing out of her ears..... ew.
They aired Melina's episodes of Due South yesterday & finished with the conclusion today. I must say that seeing her in a totally different role was quite the experience but nonetheless, she rocked as always. I'd love to see more of her work.
Ooooh Due South...That was one of my favorite shows as a teenager...I had the biggest crush on Paul Gross (loved him since Aspen Extreme) ... :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, her role as Victoria is totally different from Stella but she was great in that role as always! :)
I would love to see Melina do another Victoria type role. She was just so convincing as a villian. I'm surprised that role alone didn't land her an Emmy nomination. I almost hated the character of Victoria but since I admire Melina it was hard :lol:.
I only saw one scene with Melina as Victoria. But she was so good in that scene, Melina is good in everything :devil: :lol:
CathStokes said:
When Melina's in the role its hard to hate characters.

She really is good at everything :D

So true. I've watched her in three different roles. All of which she was so great that I couldn't hate her. Guiding Light. Despite the fact that she two-timed ALan-Michael and Frank, loved her. Providence. Despite the fact that I found her character a little MAry-Sue-ish, loved her. CSI:NY. Well, I wouldn't be in this thread if I didn't. SHe's why I started watching CSI:NY.
Welcome in the thread bethybug! :D Melina was also my reason to start watching CSI:NY. Melina was made for the role of Stella Bonasera :)

So what do you think guys? What will we see in the new episode of the new season? What will Stella do? :D
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