Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Hey Nat, thanks for posting that YouTube link. :) I've seen that one before in its entirety. My cousin lent me a DVD copy of it. Loved that it featured Stella in Officer Blue. I loved that Melina expounded on Stella's character. Again, efxaristo! :D
Efxaristo, Mandy! It's a beautiful song, I'm going to search more for songs of her :D But what a sad story :( Thank you! *hugs*
thank you for the links!
i love the FiveUS one!

:( just saw the fire article (and video). thats sad.

...wait, who's teaching Greek? :lol: i wanna use some in my fanfiction for stella's dialogue. :p
CSI_Willows said:
Efxaristo, Mandy! It's a beautiful song, I'm going to search more for songs of her :D But what a sad story :( Thank you! *hugs*

You're welcome Sor! I'm glad you liked them. I know it's a pretty sad melancholic...I'm glad you're going to search for more songs by her. :)

Glad to see you're back MJ! You've been missing in action for the past weeks! It's actually Dims who've been giving us some Greek lessons. It has slowed down a bit, maybe because of the tragic events happening in Greece. For anyone interested, here's an update. I hope everything works out just fine with the rebuilding.
MJ, sweetheart! You're back *hugs very tight* We missed you in the thread :D Glad that you're back sweetie :)

Yeah, we know how to enjoy the Greek lessons :)
*hugs* aw, i feel so wubed ;)

thanks for the update mandy. i read it. man, i feel really sad. :(

:lol: yeah i missed it. i hope the next semester begins again *gg*
Ok I was watching RSRD last night and there is a scene when stella is wiping the legs (using a q-tip) of these prostitutes and one of them asks her a question in a foreign lanuage.... Does any body know what the question and her answer is/means??
Hey Nat, I checked out RSRD. Ewww, fishnet stockings! :lol: Of course I couldn't understand what Stella and the hooker had said to each other. It was all Greek to me! :lol: :lol: It was Greek right? Right? Is it Dims? Anyone else here speak Greek who can confirm? :D
athens said:
I checked it & nop,that's not Greek!..
Sounded like Russian to me,I don't know though! ;)

Thanks athens for confirming. :) So it's definitely not Greek...It might be Russian...Anyone here who can confirm if indeed it's Russian? Thanks! :D

Hey MJ! Well, we'll just have to wait for Greek lessons! :)
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