Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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mandy9578 said:
By the way, how do you say 'thank you' in Greek? How about curls? gorgeous? lovely? sexy? olive oil? (things associated with Stella)

murder? crime scene? dead body? (things associated with the show)

food? wine? shopping? clothes? books? television? (things I love) :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: mandy u are correct with the words u put ;)

as for the words u asked...

thank you: efxaristo
curls: boukles
gorgeous: panemorfh
lovely: aksiagaphth
sexy: sexy :D
olive oil: elaiolado

and the words from the show

crime scene: topos tou egklhmatos (we translate it scene of the crime)
dead body:ptoma (we have one word for dead body-like corpse but literally what u wrote is translated nekro soma)

and the words for the things u like
food: faghto
wine: krasi (the I as in lip)
shopping: psonia
clothes: rouha (as in (h)ole )
books: vivlia
television: thleorash

i hope i got it clear for u to understand :D

Dani: i understand what u said...most translation in such sites are pretty much a general overview of what someone has said! :rolleyes:
Okay, I will practice some Greek:

Dims, efxaristo! :lol: :D :lol: I really, really appreciate the translations...

Hey Dani, yup, Greek sounds so calista and so full of mystery and enchantment! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stella has some panemorfh boukles. She really is aksiagaphth! :lol: ;) :lol:

Okay, will stop butchering the Greek language now! :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's so cool, you're very welcome in the thread Dims! :D And glad that you al liked the picture, it's one of my favourites ;)

So we have Greek lesson in here now :D Melina can be so good for your languages :lol:
mandy9578 said:
Okay, I will practice some Greek:

Dims, efxaristo! :lol: :D :lol: I really, really appreciate the translations...

Hey Dani, yup, Greek sounds so calista and so full of mystery and enchantment! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stella has some panemorfh boukles. She really is aksiagaphth! :lol: ;) :lol:

Okay, will stop butchering the Greek language now! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: Mandy u actually did pretty good! except two things ;)

calista does not exactly have that meaning any pretty much means better now.
for well or good we use the word kala:)
and the panemorfh boukles is partially correct as panemorfh is in singular and bookles is plural...the correct phrase would be panemorfes boukles ;)

the funny thing is i am an english prof so i have no problem in helping u or explaining...and i also love Melina so im at ur service ;)
Hahaha! I'm so sorry! I've butchered your beautiful language! :D *slaps forehead*

Ummm...okay...kala....panemorfes boukles...Will keep these in mind! Stella is Latin for star. What is star in Greek?

How do you say, 'my name is...'? 'Pleased to meet you'?
nattybatty55 said:
...You're right numbers and symbols came out...Saw the gibberish in my e-mail
I've butchered your beautiful language

Mandy I love that!!

Dims this is so cool... it's so funny how you react to Mandy's incorrect terms (so to speak!!:lol:)

Hey Nat! What's up? It's hilarious how I messed, being the Butcher of the Greek language...hahaha! :lol: :lol: :lol: Anyway, Greek is truly beautiful and it has a very lyrical quality to it, just like Italian. :)

Yes Dims, please continue with the Greek lessons! :D
Hey guys :)

Mandy ur enthusiasm is so cute i cant help not answer! :lol:

'my name is...'? to onoma mou einai

'Pleased to meet you'? xairomai pou se gnorizo

if u happen to see Melina close and personal throw her one of the above sentences...u need one of those to break the ice ;)

Athens im from Greece,Thessaloniki to be exact..the second biggest city in Greece :D but i am a huge csi:new york fan
...the only csi that got cut cause it was shown by a stupid channel the other two csis got the royal treatment...a subscription channel shows them!
^Yeah,I know about Thesalloniki...I'm from Cyprus myself soooo! ;)Xereis..

Stella already talked Greek on the show.No italian at all?I would like to see something of that too :)
Yup! That's me, Ms. Enthusiastic! :D

If I'll ever get to meet Melina, I'll definitely use these phrases to break the ice! :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe she'll be impressed? ;)

Thanks for the translation Dims! :D Mwah! :)

How do you say, 'Ms. Kanakaredes, I'm a big fan of yours!'? :)
athens said:
^Yeah,I know about Thesalloniki...I'm from Cyprus myself soooo! ;)Xereis..

Stella already talked Greek on the show.No italian at all?I would like to see something of that too :)

Hi athens! Same here! I would definitely love to hear Stella speak Italian as well, she being half-Italian, half-Greek and all. I love listening to Italian. I know only the basic stuff. :)
Ow this is so funny :lol: But I'm also learning with you al :D Thank you very much Dims :D

And I leave you with a little gift, I really love this picture :D
Hey Sor! Efxaristo! (that's me practicing Greek) :D for another lovely picture of Melina. Anyway, glad you can join me in our impromptu Greek lessons...I'm just enjoying making a fool of myself! :lol: :lol: :lol: I love to learn new languages! In our household, at least 7 languages are spoken. We tend to code-switch without even realizing it! I tell you it can pretty get messed up! Hahaha! :lol: :lol:
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