Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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^ nods. i couldnt agree more. when 'he' thinks he got her... :devil: guess again. prey. PWN! XD :lol: the idea from the spoiler foldie also got me:
what if the person who was trying to ambush mac IS the 'new guy' and he's using stella... if thats true :rolleyes: i hope stel and macky would say, who's the prey now? :devil:

no biggie mandy ;)

:lol: cassie calm down... want a macky and a stel cookie? :D
:) Thanks mj *grabs cookie* but I still say that if this new bf does anything to Stella, I'll be the first -if not second, MAC'll be there first- to kick the man in the g*Ddamn balls, okay?! Nobody hurts Stella! Grrr!!

But I do like that other plans IF it has something to do with Mac. IF.
Sphinx said:
I would like to see Stella play a game of cat and mouse with someone. The person could think they could play her. In the end they could find out they were wrong. This could tie in with the evolution of her character since Frankie. Rambo Stella is cool, but we should also see a cunning Stella. It would also be nice if they show her watching Mac's back, because he may need it after going against the two political guy last season.

I totally agree with you. It would nice to see "Rambo" Stella again. :D Yup, I'd like to see a cunning Stella too.
*gives milk to cassie to go along with her M/S cookies* :lol: easy girl, you're not the only one. i DO hope that he'll not be her BF.. just a love interest :rolleyes: then again, tptb was never specific on these kind of things... maybe there's a surprise for us, dontcha think? ^_^
*clears throat*

mandy ooh! a cunning stel eh? :D either that or butt kicking stella, i ain't complaining! :lol:
:) aww, mj you sweet. *pours some bourbon into the milk and hands some to mj as well* okay, i'll calm down. I like the idea of a cunning Stella, cuz then she can get all Rambo on his ass! :devil: and do that cheeky smirk when she wins. lol
I like Sphinx idea too, seeing other sides of Stella!

I saw this week "What Schemes May Come", and as usual ot was a good episode for Stella and a good one in general. She looked great even though I am not a fan of the first hairstyle she has in the first scenes. I liked to see Stella working with Flack ;)
(credits to CSI:NY Online Galery)
Also, and of course, it was good to see that they didn't drop the HIV storyline, and that they're mentioning it trough the episodes, but not making it all that there is to see. It was so good that the case with those victims in special had some influence on her, and it was nice to see her asking Mac to do the test in the lab. Also, the cheek kiss was very cute, and not being shippy, but it just shows what a great relationship they have :)
"Mac: You ready for the answer?
Stella: Whatever the outcome, I am bound and determined to live every day to the fullest."
Hey Dani!! Thanks for posting the picture!! Loooooooove Flack!! :lol: :devil:

mj0621 said:
mandy ooh! a cunning stel eh? :D either that or butt kicking stella, i ain't complaining! :lol:

Yup, yup!! Either way, she'll be fabulous as usual! :D
*iz ded*

I just read the spoiler about Stellas new 'special person in her life' :lol: And i'm shocked who they casted for it. Oh frak, sorry but they so don't fit together IMO. I remember him very well from 'Dawsons Creek' and i just can't forget it. For me he will always be Jack McPhee... this is even worser than Frankie :rolleyes: :eek:
Messers_cupcake said:
*iz ded*

I just read the spoiler about Stellas new 'special person in her life' :lol: And i'm shocked who they casted for it. Oh frak, sorry but they so don't fit together IMO. I remember him very well from 'Dawsons Creek' and i just can't forget it. For me he will always be Jack McPhee... this is even worser than Frankie :rolleyes: :eek:

I completely agree. Kerr Smith is just so wrong for the part. But I have to say, check him out in E-Ring, maybe that might change your mind.
Hmm, I think this is still a spoiler, so I'll use the box. This possible love interest with possible hiden motives is still making me wonder if the writers would transform Stella in the-character-for-all-the-dramas-with-personal-love-relationships :p I really hope not. Maybe they are doing it in a way that will help her to put Frank story completely behind (if that is possible), so I guess there's still hope. I am trying not to think much about it, let's just wait and see what happens...btw, am I the only one who doesn't know the guy?

And, here's a picture from "Not What it Looks Like"
So, I'm back guys! RL called me for a little while. But I've missed ya all so much. *hugs you all* ;)

At first welcome to all the newbies around. Have a lot of fun here,CarolineAmanda and mandy9578. :)

Thanks so much for all the pics posted in here. Melina looks so beautiful and I agree with you all, she's a good mom. The family comes first for her no matter what, she'd do anything for her two girls,her family, and that's why I respect her so much. And she's a very good actress, true words, too, everything what she plays, every role, looks so real for me that it scares me sometimes. :lol:
Btw I believe in all her roles there's somewhere a little bit of Melina herself in there.. ;)

Somehow I don't see Stella being a woman of being so amazed by jewelerry/rings. I mean, of course a little bit, but if you notice, she doesn't even wear rings, does she??
No, Stella don't freaks out for rings and stuff like that, she's not that for jewelerry I think, too, although she likes to go shopping.. ;) As far as I know I didn't see any rings on her fingers but in some eppies she wears a jewel with a ring around her neck..looked wonderful.

Oh, heck, the spoilers driving me nuts really..and I was shocked, too, who they casted for the "new guy" in Stella's life. I don't like them together..they don't even fit together, because he looks way too young for Stel IMO. I remember him as well from Dawson's Creek and I agree with you, for me he'll always be McPhee. They'd better cast someone else for the role of the love interest for Stella..
Hope it doesn't suck with him and Stel cause she doesn't deserve bad things..I would like to see her beeing happy after all these very bad memories..

Hey,mj *hugs you* what a pretty cool new icon! Like it. You have a cute muse, Pete. ;)

Here are some great pics from our beloved greek goddess:

And this is one of my favourites.. :D
No, I've done nothing, no.. XD
CSI_Dani,I really hope not!She is a really strong character despite all the bad things that happened to her in these 3 seasons!It would be a real shame if they even to something to make her seem somewhat stupid, a fool or something similar!It would be REALLY dissapointing!

^OMG!In that first one she looks fabulous :)!Thank you!Where is it from?
Whoa. Melina looks absolutely flawless in that dress. I'm still having a hard time believing that she's 40 years old. I guess the fact that she takes great care of herself gives her a youthful apperance, along with her great Greek genes.
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