Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Sorry for the double post but I had access to my screencaps again! :D I have different screencaps, I just watched the episode again to be sure that I had the right scene :lol:

Stella recognises the place with the 'lovely blue boxes'

And the scene outside Tiffany's :)

^ i couldnt agree more nat :lol: its just.. intense :p

i wub the pics.. and imma grab em ;) thankies.
nattybatty55 said:
I love the look mac gives her in the lab :lol:, thanks for the pics!

You mean this look? :lol:

But on my way to find 'crazy Mac' I found our favourite person too... *whistles* :D

*drags rambo!Stella back to the lab*
CSI_Willows said:

Thanks dahling :D! That moment right there confirms that Stella has good taste. I bet if she didn't have to work that case she'd be in Tiffany's, looking at all the marvelous jewelry :lol:.
csiwillows :lol: yeah, THAT look :lol:

j :lol: *wipes tears of laughter* i could really imagine that scene... maybe she'd drag some special guy with her *clears throat* and tell what she likes and why. poor guy :rolleyes:
jorja_fan86 said:
Thanks dahling :D! That moment right there confirms that Stella has good taste. I bet if she didn't have to work that case she'd be in Tiffany's, looking at all the marvelous jewelry :lol:.

No problem sweetheart :D I would really love a scene of Stella drooling on al those little blue boxes :lol:
Hey I read this in spoiler thread thought you might fancy a look.

Smith, last seen in Fox's short-lived Justice, will play Drew Becker, an expert in forged documents and a love interest for Stella (Melina Kanakaredes). "Well, he pretends to be an expert in forged documents," clarifies executive producer Pam Veasey. "He has a mysterious background that we are slowly developing. He's a love interest who has an ulterior motive."-- Great 'ulterior motive' that sounds great doesn't it!!
Yeah, what to think about the spoiler...

It would be great for Stella if she has a new love interest. After Frankie she deserves a new guy in her life. And it would be great if we can get a jealous Mac :lol: But I'm really curious how the producers are going to work this out, Stella deserves some happines in her life right now! :D
Sure thing,a new person in Stella's life would be nice but they are making him seem at least bad :mad:..
We'll just wait and see..
I just found a gallery with the 10 most fouties gorgeous women. Melina was 9. I think the original ranking was from In Touch. Here is the link.
^^Yep poison_girl, I knew that already! Thanks for posting the link ;)

Thank you for the pictures, they are all lovely! Her smile is adorable :)

Somehow I don't see Stella being a woman of being so amazed by jewelerry/rings. I mean, of course a little bit, but if you notice, she doesn't even wear rings, does she?? :confused:

A new love interest for Stella?! That's great! She deserves someone again....Maybe that love interest has something to hide...Now, that is probably bad, or at least it seems so :rolleyes: Stella deserves to be happy now, she has had a lot in the past season (and the end of the previous) Besides, they can't put that much drama into her character, or it is going to be strange. I hope this doesn't turn out badly for Stella again...
Thanks for the link PG.

I think it's great that Stella is finally getting over Frankie but why does her new guy have to have ''Ulterior motives''!! That makes me so angry that this relationship will probely turn out bad, it will be enough to turn Stella of relationships :( It says that he is pretending to be a forged documents expert I wonder what that means :confused:
I'm not able to read your posts the next two and a half week because I'm on holiday. I'm going to miss the fun in here, but I'm sure you will keep the thread running ;)

Keep the hotness coming! :D *hugs*
Sor have fun in your holidays ;)!!We'll miss you! :p

I hope in the season's beggining they'll show something to talk about the new guy and Stella!
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