Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Stella said:
At first welcome to all the newbies around. Have a lot of fun here,CarolineAmanda and mandy9578. :)

Thanks Stella! Yes, I will have fun here! :D And I love the pictures you posted...Melina really looks wonderful in them! :)
but still he's really not a man for our lovely lady...
here here. :D

aww, mj you sweet. *pours some bourbon into the milk and hands some to mj as well* okay, i'll calm down. I like the idea of a cunning Stella, cuz then she can get all Rambo on his ass! and do that cheeky smirk when she wins. lol
aw.. :p i try. *drinks* me likey her cheeky smirk. it never fails to make me laugh. :lol: infectious.

thanks for the wubly pics! ;) love the dress one. she just looks so amazing. i wonder how men can resist her? :rolleyes: or maybe its true that men are blind in her world? :lol:

Somehow I don't see Stella being a woman of being so amazed by jewelerry/rings. I mean, of course a little bit, but if you notice, she doesn't even wear rings, does she??
i think she only wears a necklace. IMO, she'd wear one if it came from someone she loves/cares about. :lol: like the anklet that was mentioned in the Deluge book (3rd CSI:NY book)- but that aint canon right? (oh geez i wish it was! XD *squeals*)

Hey,mj *hugs you* what a pretty cool new icon! Like it. You have a cute muse, Pete.
*tackle hugs stella* Youre back!!! i missed ya! :p thankies, Pete says hi too.
athens Thanks. ^^ Dunno, sadly, I graped it from a french forum..

jorja_fan86 I can't still believe it either that she's 40 and she is a woman who you don't think she is in that age.. She don't look like 40.. I agree with you. Maybe the greek genes makes her look so young. ;)

mandy9578 said:

Thanks Stella! Yes, I will have fun here! :D And I love the pictures you posted...Melina really looks wonderful in them! :)
Good to hear and I'm glad you found the way to this thread. ;) Stella/Melina fans are always welcome. :D
Yeah, I love the pics, too. I the second one she looks like a kid who catches at something..Like an innocent child. :lol:

thanks for the wubly pics! love the dress one. she just looks so amazing. i wonder how men can resist her? or maybe its true that men are blind in her world?
mj I think no men can resist her, no way, she's just too beautiful to resist. :D
*fall down from mj's tackle hugs but happy to have her back* Missed ya, too, hon. Says hi to Pete, too and looks at him with puppy eyes to write an update to ARM.. :p
Stella: Oh my God! Beautiful! It's funny... Melina would have made it as a model too with her height, built and face. :)

I love all the photos!

... I just tracked down interrogation!Stella! :D
kissmesweet said:
... I just tracked down interrogation!Stella! :D

She looks all business here. She has this 'don't mess with me' look on her face that's supposed to intimidate the suspect. :D
mj I think no men can resist her, no way, she's just too beautiful to resist.
*fall down from mj's tackle hugs but happy to have her back* Missed ya, too, hon. Says hi to Pete, too and looks at him with puppy eyes to write an update to ARM..
LMAO me and pete talked about it and agreed to post a new update next week when i come back from Cali. btw, imma reply to your mail next time ok? *hugs* yeah, stella has that attraction thing going on :p
The Floga Project

Melina is in from the 5:49 to the 6:23 mark. Her words were touching, as I could relate to most of what she said. Anyway, it was nice to hear about her heritage & her family. Mpravio :).
jorja_fan86 said:
The Floga Project

Melina is in from the 5:49 to the 6:23 mark. Her words were touching, as I could relate to most of what she said. Anyway, it was nice to hear about her heritage & her family. Mpravio :).

Thanks for posting the link to the video jorja_fan86! I'm a big fan of Pete Sampras and it was nice to learn more about him since his sister Stella was featured in the video too! It was nice learning about Melina's family too! :)
Thank you for the photos, she looks amazing :)

mandy9578 said:
She looks all business here. She has this 'don't mess with me' look on her face that's supposed to intimidate the suspect. :D
Haha, yeah, interrogation!Stella and Rambo!Stella can be very intimidating ;) Stella rocks! I lvoe her because of that, she is so tough yet so sweet :rolleyes: They say nobody's perfect but...?? :p

jorja_fan86 said:
I'm still having a hard time believing that she's 40 years old.
Yeah, me too. She looks so good, but she looks gorgeous for someone with 40 years old *"mommy, when i grow up i want to be like Melina"* :p

I am going to check that interview now...or when I have time *is curious about it*
Edited: I just saw it! Melina is so lovely, she seems so nice..."Not to say we're better than anybody else, but we sure are unique" ;) Too bad I am not greek :lol: :p
I love when she speaks greek, I think she only said a word or so in the video, but I had to add the comment
Thanks for posting that Mina!

She seems really comfortable and nice there!Once again she uses her hands also!.. :p

^Yes..She said zaharoplastis and she explained,candymaker! ;)
Yeah, she really seems comfortable and she does moves her hands a lot. Makes me remember of a friend of mine, that can't keep her hands quiet when she is talking :p

Yeah, she says that word but I think she also says 'religion' in greek at minute 6:56 :rolleyes:

It's very nice that she was the one ending the video interviews :)

Melina/Stella picture of the day:
I haven't watched the whole video :rolleyes: :cool:..And yep,she does say that too! :)

^Her facial expression in that is kind of funny! :lol:
I love that pic, thanks:)

Ok i'm here to say my goodbyes before I jet off to the sun tomorrow morning for two weeks!

*Nat walks out waving*
Awww you guys are welcome :). I actually didn't end up watching the whole video at first too, as I didn't expect to see Melina more than once. I'm glad someone mentioned it though. Anyway, I love that she was the one to close out the video. I can never get tired of hearing her talk about her Greek heritage & yes, us Greeks are truly unique :lol:.
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