Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Sor: Have a safe trip, miss you, luvs! :)

Okay this love interest thing kinda worries me since the "motives" thing. But It'll be good for Stella to have someone in her life especially like Sor said, A jealous Mac would be hot :) .. So.. I'm sorta all for this.
Have an ace trip sweetie!

I know that 'motive' thing is really annoying but I would love there to be an overprotective, jealous Mac!
What I hope is that they actually do something with Stella and the new guy and they won't leave it there just as a spoiler! ;)
Hi! Newbie here!

Anyway, someone once asked me why I liked Stella. And my answer was, to put it crudely: "She's a strong woman. She doesn't take no shit from nobody." :lol: [pardon the intended bad grammar]

Yup! I like strong women! Stella's character is really admirable and she's a good role model for women as well as girls...Gotta love Melina playing her so well :D

By the way, has anyone else seen Melina in the film Dangerous Beauty? I saw it about 9 years ago...I know, long time ago. :D I think she played one of the courtesans, if I am not mistaken. She was also in one of my ultimate favorite movies, The Long Kiss Goodnight.
^Welcome here mandy! :D
We all love Stella's character for the reasons you've already said!Melina performs that great! :)

Unfortunately,I haven't any of the movies you mentioned :(..
athens said:
^Welcome here mandy! :D
We all love Stella's character for the reasons you've already said!Melina performs that great! :)

Unfortunately,I haven't any of the movies you mentioned :(..

Thanks for the big welcome Athens! :D

As for the movies, you should try looking for The Long Kiss Goodnight. Geena Davis was really spectacular there which kind of reminds me of "Rambo" Stella :lol: and Samuel L. Jackson was so funny as the comic relief. Although Melina had a very small role there, it's one movie worth watching. :)
Soraya, have fun in your vacations. We'll miss you and your tons of beautiful photos!

Yup! I like strong women! Stella's character is really admirable and she's a good role model for women as well as girls...Gotta love Melina playing her so well
Welcome mandy! And that^^ was so well said! I agree. Stella is definitely strong but she is really sweet and nice when she has to, and that's what I most admire in here probably.

Oh, I saw "A Daze Of Wine And Roaches" and I really like Stella in it. Even though it's not something that big, I like the way everything goes around that Evie girl :p I like the tears explanation part as well, for some reason, I think it's cool (maybe because I had no idea you could tell if your tears are fake or not :p)

So, I have been noticing that this thread doesn't have much movement, or at least it doesn't have much discussion going on. But we gotta change that, to have more people, as much as Melina/Stella deserve. So question: What would you like Stella to have this season? Something like the type of case that would be special for her or something...Something that would as show Melina's acting abbilities in some way...Something different from what we have seen so far...Any ideas?!

And now I have the honour to present another Stella picture, from "Not what it looks like", credits to This time, we have her in the lab
CSI_Dani said:
Welcome mandy! And that^^ was so well said! I agree. Stella is definitely strong but she is really sweet and nice when she has to, and that's what I most admire in here probably.

Thanks Dani! :D You're right...I also like the way Stella is balanced... Being strong and being nice and sweet when the situation calls for it. Stella is amazing!

CSI_Dani said:
Oh, I saw "A Daze Of Wine And Roaches" and I really like Stella in it. Even though it's not something that big, I like the way everything goes around that Evie girl :p I like the tears explanation part as well, for some reason, I think it's cool (maybe because I had no idea you could tell if your tears are fake or not :p)

That Evie girl was really creepy. And Stella saw through her like she always does with people trying to hide something. She's very observant that way. As for the info about fake tears and real, genuine tears, new trivia for my data bank. Don't you just love learning about new things every day? Every time I watch CSI:NY, I learn something new :D

CSI_Dani said:
So, I have been noticing that this thread doesn't have much movement, or at least it doesn't have much discussion going on. But we gotta change that, to have more people, as much as Melina/Stella deserve. So question: What would you like Stella to have this season? Something like the type of case that would be special for her or something...Something that would as show Melina's acting abbilities in some way...Something different from what we have seen so far...Any ideas?!

I would like to find out more about Stella's background...Although Cold Reveal showed us glimpses of Stella's past, it wasn't enough...Anyway, just a thought... :)

By the way, thanks for posting another picture of Stella.
Welcome here, mandy
I saw both, The long kiss goodnight and Dangerous Beauty. I think she´s brilliant in it, allthough her roles are very small! But Tlkg is also one of my favorite movies!

By the way, here in Germany the 3rd season will start on september 10th. I´m so excited!!! :D
StellaFan said:
Welcome here, mandy
I saw both, The long kiss goodnight and Dangerous Beauty. I think she´s brilliant in it, allthough her roles are very small! But Tlkg is also one of my favorite movies!

By the way, here in Germany the 3rd season will start on september 10th. I´m so excited!!! :D

Thanks StellaFan!! :) Yup, she was brilliant in those films, even though her screen time was so short...Gotta love TLKG! Craig Bierko was so hot as the bad guy :lol: :D :devil:

Anyway, I'm sure you'll love Season much as I did
Thanks for the sweet holiday wishes, I'm going to miss this thread very much :( *sniff* Just one more gift for you guys *gives everyone a hug* :D

*the picture queen leaves the thread* LOVE YOU ALL! :D
sor Imma miss you! :( *hugs tight* come back soon! ;)

mandy welcome! i saw a couple of the movies you mentions (i think i did :lol: i better check that) :p its nice that we have another stella/melina fan :D

they always pick on our stella huh? :( jealous macky is nice but does tptb really need to go all physical on stel? *sniff* i bet the new guy is frankie's bro... revenge... :devil: just a hunch :p
mj0621 said:
sor Imma miss you! :( *hugs tight* come back soon! ;)

mandy welcome! i saw a couple of the movies you mentions (i think i did :lol: i better check that) :p its nice that we have another stella/melina fan :D

they always pick on our stella huh? :( jealous macky is nice but does tptb really need to go all physical on stel? *sniff* i bet the new guy is frankie's bro... revenge... :devil: just a hunch :p

Hey, thanks mj0621!!

I agree with you there! I can't believe the writers are foisting off another shady love interest on Stella!...*indignant here* :mad:...Stella's character is a strong woman but the writers keep making her fall for the wrong men...Is it just me? Or does sensible Stella Bonasera seem to have really awful taste in men? She's being written as some sort of loser magnet!!
Yes!!! I am totally agreeing with yous guys right now! they oughta give some credit to Stella!!! They can't just give her some loser a**hole of a bf just cause she needs to have a 'weakness'! MAC's her F*ing weakness!!!! :mad: :mad:
I would like to see Stella play a game of cat and mouse with someone. The person could think they could play her. In the end they could find out they were wrong. This could tie in with the evolution of her character since Frankie. Rambo Stella is cool, but we should also see a cunning Stella. It would also be nice if they show her watching Mac's back, because he may need it after going against the two political guy last season.
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