Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Thank you Mandy!:D
Do you have it that one in its original size? I say just here....i like it!:alienblush:

And she proposes him to go undercover because.....

*Mac was busy with a bloody t shirt ( can't help myself):lol:
*She was jealous and she wanted to control Flack:cool:
*Stella just want to go to a party:lol:

Debbie :D
this proves that Flack is everyone's Mr. Right.

remember how det. angell stared at the girl when she sweet talked flack in the car in Commuted Sentences?

yeah, she gave that "WTF-you're-busting-in-my-sweet-moment-here" stare of hers...

no, make that "you flirt with flack, and i'll smash your sweet face" look!:devil:
No problem, Deb. ;)

Anyway, here's the pic in its original size:


I really love this picture. Both Flack and Stella look so happy and content. :D

Don't know when I'll be able to post in here again as I'm going on vacation until Saturday. :D
Awwwwwwwwww! I'm SMACked but i can recognize a good pic when i see it :D

Thank you!:thumbsup:

And it was funny that Stella and Mac were having "a" moment and Flack interrupted them inside her burned place. Tha camera took him and he was in the middle of both of them:guffaw:

No problem ,dear. We are going to have a long cat fight session until wednesday (I'm on forced vacation too, i have a terrible flu and i can't go to Nurse School so i'll post till i get better;)
Ha, I couldn't resist! I'll be leaving for my vaca in about four hours' time. Anyway, yes it is a very good pic indeed. :D

Haha, funny how just Flack waltzed into Stella's apartment. Talk about a threesome! Kidding! :lol:

Anyway, I hope you get over the flu soon Deb. I know that it can be such a bitch! :lol:

A threesome is better than nothing Mandy:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Hopefully we will have SOMETHING. I'm tired of other ships and i want action around Stella not related to her psycho boyfriend (she is a big magneto to crazy guys:lol:

I can tell that scene inside Stella's apartment was made on porpose because producers KNOW these ships;)

Anyway i hope great scenes to Stella, Flack and Mac. I'd love an arc just for the three of them:drool: (ok the threesome again:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Have great vacation, rest a lot, do noting but fun and we will read each other in a few days

take care dear

Hey, everyone, Im a Stella girl too :)

Also, I was on a website today, thats similiar to youtube and I came across a mini interview of Melina talking about Stella and the character, I think its from season 1, and i was wondering if its ever been posted here? If not I can copy and paste the link - but this also leads me to another question - is it ok to copy and paste links or do the board moderators not look kindly upon this kind of thing?

I also loved the latest NY ep, Right Next Door. I was like YAY, Rambo Stella! She was amazing.
Welcome SomethinSomethin

Yep you can copy and postlinks to most things unless you do something called Hotlinking (I think) but im not entirely sure what that is :lol:

I'd love to see the vid :D
hey guys ..i havnt been here in a while but i had to mention that

i was watching some eps i downloaded (i was gonna buy the dvds but tptb made me furious with the dl storyline so i downloaded instead) anyhow...
i was watching the ep with the crazy boyfriend of Stella who tried to kill her and she killed him instead (awesome ep....and i loved the Mac/Stella and the Flack/Stella interaction :thumbsup:) and i was like watching in the kitchen and my mother passes by and she is like....(the dialogue follows):p

Mom:is this the greek woman who is an actress in hollywood? whats her name?
Me: melina kanakaredes mom...
Mom: oh yeah her...and she plays in this movie...?
Me: its not a movie mom its a tv show....
Mom: and they put her in this episode of this show to play?
Me: no mum she is the leading actress of the show...
Mom: leading actress? wow...Bravo to her...i didnt know she was so famous!!!Great!

and then she got all patriotic about greeks who make it to hollywood and all that stuff and she is like very proud for Melina (like she is a relative or sth:lol:)

it wasnt nothing important but i just thought id share cause i found it funny!!!:lol:
Hello somethin somethin!!!!Be welcome dear to this wonderful thread. I wanna the vid please. Anything with Melina is always welcome :D

Dims: I really Like your mom :D is your family greek or anything? My nephews are and so it's my sister because of marriage :D
And it's beautiful how she says how proud of being american she is but at the same time she is so proud of her being part greek

Besides i like her because she has a big and strong friendship with Gary. She always introduces him her big greek family :D It's ADORABLE! Her little baby daughter was used to play doll tea with him. Isn't that lovely?

Be welcome you too to this thread!

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Dims: I really Like your mom :D is your family greek or anything? My nephews are and so it's my sister because of marriage :D
And it's beautiful how she says how prud of being aemerican she is but at the same time she is so proud of her being part greek

Besides i like her because she has a big and strong friendship with Gary. She always introduces him her big greek family :D It's ADORABLE! Her little baby daughter was used to play doll tea with him. Isn't that lovely?

Be welcome you too to this thread!


thank you very much debbie :D

actually i am Greek and i also live in Greece but i am a CSI fan and we know Melina Kanakaredes here so that is why my mother mentioned it.
She has no clue what CSI is though and thought it was a took me a while to try and fill her in but she got it eventually :lol:
^You live in Greece?You are probably the first one I found in here..[I'm from Cyprus];)

Melina's career is going really well I think and the actors/actresses of the CSI's in my opinion are well known.
That story was great Dims! :D I'm not living in Greece but my mother says also that Melina is a great woman :)

And I know how it is to explain that Melina is playing in a movie, tv show or something like that. My mother said one time when Melina was on tv: Isn't she the woman who plays Catherine Willows? :lol:
^You live in Greece?You are probably the first one I found in here..[I'm from Cyprus];)

Melina's career is going really well I think and the actors/actresses of the CSI's in my opinion are well known.

hey athens :)

Well i dont know in Cyprus but in Greece maybe you can get some people recognizing Gary and more Melina but that is about it...CSI is not very popular here and the New York CSI has probably the worst treatment from channels even though from all 3 CSI's it is the one that has the highest ratings!!!!!even though its time slot is very bad (12:00 at night...still it brings the best ratings of 3) and its a shame they dont treat it better cause it could have been a success here!!!

I personally love Melina....i must admit my crashes in the CSI franchise are the girls and Flack!!!Now that would be a threesome!!!:drool:
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